Chapter 6- change of Status

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After the wedding lots of things changed specially in Sai's life. From a normal medical college student belong from a middle class family she became wife of a celebrity business tycoon, daughter-in-law of one of the richest family of country. Her normal lifestyle completely changed. She wondered seeing the money and luxury of this family. She always saw her mother and aunt to do all household work of the house, only a maid ued to come for washing utensils and cleaning the house. But here there are more servants and maids in this house are much more than family members. Still she couldn't understand the real status change as she was there inside the house.

Then it was the time for Si to join her college back after 7 days of wedding. While she was getting ready she found that her whole wardrobe has been changed, instead of her cloths brought from local stores there was dresses from various famous brands. She get ready in a comfortable dress and Devi come to her room. Devi adviced Sai to wear some everyday jwelry as for the outer world she is wife of Virat Chavan. Till that day Sai heard from her elders not to wear gold, diamond or valuable jwelry outside as goons can snatch those and attac. When she expressed her concern Devi told her "now you are a Chavan and nobody who love his life will not touch you." she also gifted Sai a lots of everyday jwelry.

So finally when Sai comedown all ready Ashwini gifted her a branded backpack for college. She had to change her college bag in request of family members. After breakfast Ninad gifted her a car. Sai never imagined that she will ever ride in a BMW but here she has one as her own. There was also a driver appointed for her as she doesnt know driving.

When Sai entered her college she noticed that everyone is looking towards her oddly. She felt awkward but moved speedy towards her classroom. Few seniors and juniors approached her for selfie. It was completely new for her as she never experienced such things before. For her behaviors, merit and beauty she was quite wellknown in college but for Jagtap's interest in her nobody approached her. Jagtap was son of a truste so all are afraid of her.

She came face to face with Jagtap in corridor, Sai feared that he wil verbally abuse her or might misbehave with her but to her utter surprise he downcast his eyes when he saw her. She understood she becoming a Chavan changed her status completely.

Many of Her teachers and other hospital stuff also started to treat her specially. She didnt like this but she knew that with every benefit comes some difficulties also. So she has to endure that also. But she requested the dean to not treat her specially as she want to complete her study as a normal student. As first the faculty were little uneasy to do that but later when Ninad havan requested them they agreed.

Her friends and college mates become curious to now more abou Chavan household and Virat. They asked her a lot of information about those, she answer few and avid a few politely. 

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