"Segundos perdidos"

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"Oh, noble audience, hear my lament! There is an evil that lurks fervently, for our generation.

Perhaps you are already contaminated, while some are cured, others spread it voraciously, gnawing within the minds of young people with its lascivious reality, trapping many in its dark abyss, consuming their morals and harming their freedom.

Screens shining without realizing it's just a deceptive bait, seducing the unwary with its apparent pleasure, which distorts the perception of what is healthy and pure, causing a dark future. Where genuine love and real connection are supplanted by empty fantasies with no ideals. And you cannot claim to consume it responsibly, for it will drown you, not letting you resurface.

Oh, sad reality! This evil has spread, contaminating souls and leaving hearts wounded. Pornography, the cancer of this modern era, the plague that reigns.

In the end, we all have the ability to make choices, and if you have come this far, you can confront it with courage and honor, protect your mind and guard your heart, for true happiness lies in the genuine.

Awake, humanity, from this dangerous slumber, and reclaim the purity and value of love. Free yourselves from the clutches of this dark addiction, and seek true connection, authentic understanding of real love, without contamination or folly."

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