She ran from there and went to the parking lot took the bike keys from her pocket and drove her bike to the place where Jungkook was standing. He was shocked to see her

Jungkook: i this your bike *amazed*

Y/n: come now get on it before the security guard see's us.

He sat on the bike and she told him to hold tight. She was driving with full speed she thought he was scared that's why he isn't saying anything then she heard him

Jungkook: Woohoo faster. *Enjoying the cold breeze*

He said. She smirked and raced even faster. They reach the park in 5 mins. He got down.

Jungkook: that was awesome *amazed*

Y/n: u know u are the first one who had fun sitting behind me on the bike *removing her helmet*

Jungkook: what do you mean?

Y/n: everyone gets scared when ever i drive my bike like this.

Jungkook: it was very fun now let's go inside

She parked her bike near the gate and they both went inside. The whole park was quit so no one was there. She was feeling good. They both went and sat on the 2 swings which were there in the park

 They both went and sat on the 2 swings which were there in the park

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They sat on the swing and started to swing along with the wind. It was very silent not a awkward but a relaxing one. But Jungkook broke it

Jungkook: can i ask smth

Y/n: sure do ahead

Jungkook: can we be friends. Cuz you know i don't have friends but I'll love to have you as my friend

Sh thought for a while before nodding

Jungkook: oh wait we didn't introduce ourselves. Myself Jungkook or jk whatever you like *extending his hand for a hand shake*

Y/n:  myself y/n *shaking hands with him*

Jungkook: so are we friends now

She nodded.

Jungkook: you know it's good having friends i only have elder brothers who annoy me very much *annoyed face*

Y/n: atleast you have siblings i don't even have them *sad*

Jungkook: why don't you tell your parents that you want a sibling. You know it feels good to have siblings yes they are annoying but trust me they can love you as if you are their everything. So ask your parents i know they won't deny

Y/n: Jungkook i-i don't have my parents*looking down*

She must be an agent but she is also an human who is craving to have a family.

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