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So this one actually has a story behind it. Today I found my old switch that I thought I lost but turns out my mom took it away and forgot about it and I found this game called omnom run and I started playing it and I could imagine Will playing this so well. So if you don't know omnom run is basically like subway surfers but you play as a little omnom instead of a person. If you still don't understand you can just Google it. So I have written something based on that for you now on with the story! (Also note this would take place around 2030 or something when switches are old things)


I was cleaning out my closet when I found my old switch from when I was around 10 years old. "Wow I forgot about this" I breathed. "maybe I could make A video of going through my old switch" I thought.

I started recording "hi its me Will here to show y'all my old switch. I found it while cleaning my closet" I said "now let's get this set up so start going through it. luckily my roommate Jonah knows how to do this." 

"JONAH! GET OVER HERE! I NEED YOUR HELP!" I yelled to the other room.



Jonah ran in "did you say switch?!" He asked hope gleaming in his eyes

"Yup I need help setting it up so I can record the screen"

Jonah smiled and helped me set it up

"ok friends now that its set up I can go though it"

I turned the switch on and the first game I saw was a game called omnom run I selected it and clicked on story mode

"Ok well I guess ill play chapter one of story mode" 

I clicked on characters and saw a golden one. 

"I like this one" I said "it looks like me" I laughed and my golden retriever Apollo ran up and jumped on me and started licking my face. "Apollo! Get off!" I said trying to push him off laughing as I did so. Eventually I got Apollo off of me and said "anyways for those who don't know this is my dog Apollo"

I selected the golden character and pressed play. The screen said : MISSION 1 Reach Distance 800m

I started maneuvering around little cars and jumping over crates

~~time skip brought to you by omnom run~~ 

I stoped recording and started editing the video 20minutes of editing later I exported the video and posted it on YouTube.


My phone buzzed and I checked the notification Will had a new video up on his channel. I clicked play on my phone.

'hi its me Will here to show y'all my old switch. I found it while cleaning my closet now let's get this set up so start going through it. luckily my roommate Jonah knows how to do this.' He said I smiled I always liked his bubbly personality

After I finished the video I started filming my own video I decided to find my old switch as well and play on that

~~time skip a few weeks brought to you by the goddess of time travel in my other fit who is still unnamed I need name ideas HELP~~

(Still Nico's POV btw)

I started recording "Hi guys today I am here with my sister gemgirl or Hazel to do a Q and A video because all of you my wonderful subscribers asked to see her again and hers asked for a Q and A video this video will also be on her channel and if you haven't already subscribe to her channel as well as mine for more videos like this and without further ado on with the video!" I said (I am nice I let you see cheerful Nico)

"So question one what is your favorite color? My favourite color would be Teal what about you Nico? (that's what Google said sooo)"

"My favourite color contrary to popular belief is green it reminds me of Bia" I said trying to not think of Bia "ok question two who's Bia? you both keep mentioning him/her as if we should know" my voice cracked as I spoke I walked off screen onto the other room of my apartment.


Nico walked into the other room and i said "to answer question two Bia is short for Bianca she-" my voice cracked "-she was our sister. She died when Nico was 10 and i never got to know her very well but she meant everything to Nico so that's a subject we would prefer for all of you not to bring up again ok?"i finished blinking away tears 

"question three what are some things that you have in common? well we both have the same dad and we both enjoy pasta a lot but I can't really expect much else from Nico he's Italian"

~~time skip brought to you by the Quagmire triplets who hopefully had a happy ending~~

(I really have no idea where to go now so i'm putting this in a text generation ai. Never mind that failed Nico and Hazel started making out and Hazel apparently has tattoos... can't imagine ether of those and the both sound wrong plz help i'm just going to have this as part one)

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