Chapter 1: Two Dads

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Mr. Thompson was a man of humble beginnings. He had to work as a waitress during the day and a construction worker at night just to make ends meet. Despite his hard work, he never had enough money to provide his daughter, Emily, with the life she deserved. Emily was a sweet and innocent girl, with bright blue eyes and curly blonde hair. She always wore hand-me-down clothes that were too big for her small frame.

On the other hand, Mr. Davidson was a man of wealth and power. He owned multiple businesses, including a chain of luxury hotels and high-end restaurants. His son, Ethan, was a spoiled brat who had everything he could ever want. Ethan had brown hair, green eyes, and always wore designer clothes that were worth more than Mr. Thompson's entire yearly salary.

As Mr. Thompson was serving a table of customers, one of them remarked, "This place really needs a makeover. It's so run-down."

Mr. Thompson forced a smile and replied, "I'm sorry sir, but we do our best to keep things clean and presentable."

Meanwhile, Mr. Davidson was sitting in his luxurious office, scrolling through his emails. His assistant walked in and said, "Sir, your meeting with the investors has been moved up to tomorrow morning."

Mr. Davidson sighed and replied, "Great. Just what I need, more stress

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