CHAPTER 10 (retyped)

Start from the beginning

They all heard heavy footsteps, the sound of it felt nothing but power as they turned towards it they couldn't help but feel fear as they saw Izuku who was taller than them and narrowing his eyes that held power, "Is this UA or just  preschool with children? How dare you show no little amount of Pride while being students of this prestigious school, where's your pride, where's your dignity to be somebody better and prove that your not the same as before you came to this school, be prideful, be arrogant towards making something good for yourself and stop acting like toddlers and head back to the cafeteria orderly"

As soon as he said those who didn't know Izuku followed his orders while the ones who knows him with some of them simply nodded their head in respect.

Once they were back in their classroom Izuku asked if the class should do a revote because he wondered if his classmates would changed their mind... unfortunately because of the effect of what he did during the panic instead of 5 votes he got more than half the class votes for him with him just sighing as he saw this but never the less he didn't deny them and simply folded his arms, "It would seem your Pride made the right choice here very well as your Class President I would like to thank you"

Izuku then saw some of them clapping with him placing his glasses back on whole taking his seat but not before giving Ochako a smile that made her flutter in embarrassmt.

Izuku was brought back to the bus when he heard someone say his name. He turned his head and saw it was the frog girl.

"Hello Tsuyu, what can I do for you?" Izuku asked the girl

"Ribbit. Call me Tsu. Anyway, Midoriya I am a blunt person, so I am just going, to be honest. Your quirk the way you use it looks like a combination of strength and heat similar to All Might's wland the No.2 hero"

This had caught the attention of everyone around them with one who stared at Izuku intently..

Izuku frowned while feeling his pride showing while still having the glasses on for a second before he gained a small smile. "Well if I can call you Tsu then you can call me Izuku." Izuku then looked around the bus, "That goes for the rest of you as well. Now to answer your question Tsu, No I don't think my quirk is similar to All might nor the No.2 hero however It's actually a combination of my parent's quirks." Izuku lied through his teeth which almost made him want to puke out blood for what he just said "My father could breathe fire and my mom can attract small items to herself. So this lead to something different because to me it feels like I'm stockpiling the heat from the sun hence why I call it Sunshine for my quirk which stockpiles the more I'm in the sun to gain more power, similar to Fat Gum with fat. I stockpile that solar heat within me and use it to dramatically increase all my physical aspects, as well as make heat-based attacks like you all have witnessed. So, telling you this and what I am getting at our power output may look similar to others, but to me it's completely different."

Izuku's explanation seemed to put everyone to rest. That was when Aizawa announced that they had arrived. They all exited the bus to see they were in front of a large domed building. When they entered the whole class saw how many different climates were in the building.

"This is the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ for short," Aizawa informed the class.

After his comment, the hero Thirteen made her appearance. She made a signal to Aizawa about why All Might wasn't there. Izuku was the only one who noticed and just shrugged it off. Then Thirteen went on a whole spiel about how any quirk can be dangerous and that as heroes even a dangerous quirk can be used for good.

That is when a black mist appeared on the plaza at the bottom of the stairs. Izuku was the first to notice it.

"Aizawa I think we have a problem."

Aizawa then turned to see what Izuku was looking that. He and the rest of the class watched multiple villains appeared from the black mist. Dozens of villains had appeared but the three that had caught the most attention were the black mist villain, a walking muscled bird monster, and a bluish grey-haired villain covered in hands.

"Thirteen evacuate the students those are real villains," Aizawa ordered as he jumped down the stairs. Izuku watched after him.

'He is more of an assassin than an infantryman. This isn't going to end well.' Izuku thought and he stayed where he was and didn't follow his class. That is when he heard a voice, he didn't recognize behind him. As he turned, he saw the black mist villain from before.

"Greetings hero hopefuls I am Kurogiri and we are the League of Villains." The now named Kurogiri spoke to the class. "Our mission is to kill All Might. You golden eggs are inconsequential."

That was when Bakugo and Kirishima rushed forward to attack the villain. He swiftly dodged their attacks and then spent them through a portal. Then before anyone could react others were sent through portals as well. Izuku didn't move, in fact he deemed Kurogiri as nothing but Cannon fodder and not a threat so he let the Warp user send him through a protal because he's has a responsibility to protect his classmates.

Chapter End.

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