So when he plagiarized, he would remember when the original owners of these scripts were finished writing according to the memory, and then "create" the scripts that have not been written at this time.

The original owner was a small well-known screenwriter and director before Ba Yiran was reborn. He shot a small fire micro movie from college. After graduating from university, he entered the entertainment industry smoothly. Although it was a bit small in the first few years, The fire was not so famous. After his 30th birthday, he seemed to be on the hook and filmed a fire.

Because he always writes the script and shoots himself, plus a mixed race, his facial features tend to be European, his temperament looks to the Chinese, and the advantages of both sides are added together, which is not inferior to the appearance of a star, so he is nicknamed the director of flower exploration.

It means to have talent and look good.

In the same age as the original owner, but in the last life, he was not even as good as a dog. This is a fat sheep for wool.

Isn't he talented anyway?

Without these scripts, just write it. He had a good life in the last life, villa yachts, beautiful director wife, and a bunch of fans because of his looks, and it didn't make sense to let him occupy it.

However, Ba Yiran did not expect that although some of the original script of the original fire was officially filmed a few years later, he actually wrote it long ago, but it was not announced.

It is conceivable what the mood was when the original owner saw a TV show that was familiar with the plot, even with the same name.

The original owner was the same age as Ba Yiran. When Ba Yiran filmed his script, he was just twenty-seven. Soon after he got married, he went directly to Ba Yiran to discuss it.

Before the incident, the original owner also appreciated Ba Yiran. The two looked more friendly on the screen, so he knew where Ba Yiran lived, and sometimes invited him over for dinner.

As a result, when he arrived at Ba Yiran's house, he saw his newlywed wife and Ba Yiran interacting ambiguously on the sofa.

Of course, from the perspective of Ba Yiran, it was just that he just happened to fall on someone, and the result was so coincident that the original owner came.

He is so wronged. Although he and the beauty director were a little ambiguous before, and they both had a secret feeling, but they were just ambiguous. There was absolutely no actual action.

As a result, the original owner was so "small belly chicken intestine". Because of this misunderstanding, he actually had to tear his face with him.

He even announced on Weibo that the original author of the script was him, and Ba was a shameless plagiarizer.

Why was Ba Yi willing to let the cause he had just developed be ruined by the original owner, so he convinced the original owner's newlywed wife and asked him to make a statement.

At this time, the newly-married wife had been captured by Ba Yiran, coupled with the fact that the original owner had never heard the script, and thought he would do so because he "misunderstood" his relationship with Ba Yiran. So with the feeling of "I can't let you slander a good person", he directly announced that the original owner had never written this script at all, and only because he and Ba also had personal grudges would they slander him.

The situation was originally ambiguous because the wife of the original owner stood in line with Ba Yiran, but fell completely to the side of Ba Yiran.

After all, before Ba Yiran copied the script, he also “originalized” a few good scripts. Before that, the original owner had only made a few jokes, and he was not as famous as Ba Yiran.

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