Chapter 1{edited}

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•Anastasia's POV•
It's a new day at my new school and I was excited. Suddenly someone pulled my ponytail, I turned around and my eyes met the most stunning shade of green eyes. I kept staring at him until he spoke, "hey pigtails" he smirked. Oh God please no, "Deo?" "I'm back, miss me?" "Oh please." I replied rolling my eyes.

Deo and I went to kindergarten together, but we never really got along because of that one time I made fun of his big glasses. It seemed to really affect him because all the kids made fun of him for it, but I was young and stupid. But he kept bullying me ever since that day.

Apart from that he was my neighbor. After that one incident at kindergarten I thought primary school would be different, but some of the kids went to our primary school and he was teased again. In fifth grade he moved with his family, can't blame him tho. But now he's back. He had a major glowup tho and damn he was fine.

I went to class and was shocked to know that he and I were in the same class. He sat behind me in history and kept pestering me during the lecture. I ignored him and as soon as the lesson finished I went straight up to him.

"What's your fucking problem. I said I'm sorry multiple times I was just a dumb kid." He ignored me and kept walking. "Don't let your past define you." He stopped walking which took me by surprise I almost fell. "Whatever, pigtails." Ugh he was so infuriating.

I was sitting in chemistry class, listening to my professor explain the experiment we would be doing today. We were going to mix a few chemicals together to create a volcano, and I was excited to see what would happen.

But then my professor said something that made my heart sink. "I'm going to pair you up with your lab partner for this experiment. Anastasia, you'll be working with Deo."

Deo. The name alone made my blood boil. I looked around the room, hoping that maybe my professor would change her mind. But everyone else was already paired up, and Deo was walking towards me with a smug expression on his face.

"Hey, Ana," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He kept acting like nothing happened.

I gritted my teeth and tried to ignore him as we started the experiment. But it was hard to focus when he kept making snide comments and criticizing my every move.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" he said, as I poured a chemical into the beaker. "Of course I do," I snapped back. "I'm not the one who's going to mess this up."

We continued to bicker and argue as we mixed the chemicals together. I was so focused on proving him wrong that I didn't notice the foam starting to bubble up in the beaker.

And then it happened. The foam exploded out of the beaker, covering both of us from head to toe. I could feel the sticky substance all over my clothes and in my hair, and I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide.

The whole class erupted in laughter, and I could feel my face turning red with embarrassment. But then I looked over at Deo, and he was laughing too. It was the first time I had seen him smile, and it was a strange feeling.

"Wow," he said, wiping the foam off his face. "I guess we really messed that up."

I couldn't help but laugh too. Of course we both failed and got detention but I didn't really care that much.

💫Time skip💫
I got a knock on my door, it was my mother. "Dinner's ready honey". "Coming mom". At the dinner table I was eating when dad spoke up, "how was school honey?" "It was ok I guess." "You know, the Jones are back in town" my mom said, "maybe we could invite them for dinner Friday." I almost choked on my food.

"Do we have too?" "Come on, we could have a nice welcome dinner for them. And Deo grew up to be a handsome young man, maybe you could get to know-" "no, mom I told you already Deo doesn't like me, since I made fun of him" "oh please, Deo is a nice young man I'm sure he'll forgive you" "you were a mischievous kid when you were small." Dad added.

"Oh I wonder where that came from." Mom replied.

I finished eating and headed to my room. My parents were friends with Deo's parents and they always invited them for dinner. Now that their back my parents old habits came back. I closed my door and hopped on my bed.

I got up and went to close my curtains when I saw Deo, his room was opposite of mine. I was about to close my curtains when I saw Deo, shirtless. Damn he was fine, his hair was wet and messy, and his perfectly toned abs. I snapped out of my trance when he suddenly looked in my direction. I closed the curtains immediately feeling my face turn red with embarrassment.

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