Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Liam's POV

How could she not think she looked good? She could wear a freaking sack and still look amazing. Finally I was getting to go out for one night with Grace, and without Harry Styles constantly watching me like a hawk. We walked up to the club, 102 and I wrapped my arm around Grace's waist like she was mine. Maybe I was pretending that she was mine.

I leaned down to peck her on the cheek, ignoring the fact that she looked uncomfortable. If only she wasn't wearing that ring maybe I really could pretend...

Grace's POV

I felt for my ring repeatedly while we were in line, afraid that it would fall off on the street. While we waited, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I had a couple of texts from Harry.

Harry: Hey

Harry: Just uh...text me when you're coming home. I love you.

Me: I love you too!

He texted back immediately.

Harry: Where did you decide to go?

Oh crap, what am I supposed to say? He's going to be mad.

Me: Just some club. It's not a big deal.

Harry: What?!? You're nineteen. You can't get in.

Me: Um...Louis made me a fake. Harry, please don't get all weird. It's not a big deal.

Harry: What club? I am not happy about this.

Me: Just trust me.

Harry: No. Tell me right now.

Me: Harry, please.

Harry: Fine. Whatever.

Did he seriously just say 'whatever' to me? I hate when people say that. I absolutely despise it when I'm fighting with Harry and he says 'whatever'. He knows this. I rolled my eyes and powered my phone down. That'll show him. He needs to trust me.

"Everything okay?" Liam asked.

There was a smile on his face. I knew he had read the texts and saw me power my phone down. His hand was wrapped around my waist and I tried to not think about the fact that it would just make Harry even madder if he saw. My heart was beating so fast as we got up to the front of the line where the doorman was checking ID's. My hands shook as I handed him over mine. I wanted to avoid his eyes so I didn't even look at him until he was completely silent. My eyes flicked up to look at him and my jaw dropped as familiar blue eyes stared back at me. Oh crap. Oh my god. It was Charlie...Professor Charlie.

I literally gulped in a breath, wishing I wouldn't have avoided his eyes so I would have seen him before noticed me. Too late now, I thought. I looked over to Liam and he now noticed our professor standing there. No way is he going to let us in but I at least hope he doesn't report us. He knows we're not twenty-one.

"Shit." Liam muttered.

Charlie looked back down at my fake and a smirk spread across his plump lips.

"Have a nice night...Miss...Absure." He said, pretending to the other doormen like he didn't know me.

I looked up at him with wide eyes. Is he serious? He winked at me and I almost passed out as Louis pulled me through the doors, dance music filling my ears. I could hear Charlie saying the same thing to Liam as he let him through the doors. Liam's eyes were wide and he looked like he could faint also.

"Do you think he'll report us?" Liam asked, turning back to look at Charlie working.

"No...I don't think so." I whispered but I knew he wouldn't.

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