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A few things before we get started...

As you know, this will follow the movie. SPIDER-MAN INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE ISN'T MINE!! The only characters that I own are my OC (obviously) and her family. There are also a few parts that I added myself. (Just making things clear.)

I'm going to slightly change some of the parts and some dialogue due to Crystal(my OC) being in the story.

Crystal is black. She uses slang and.. reacts in different ways compared to others die to ger being a little quiet and slightly awkward when it come to being around others.

There won't be things like...
"She had beautiful long blonde hair."

.. I mean, she does, but only in the back of her head.. and she has locs as it shows in the picture at the top.

There also won't be any...
"Her soft skin like snow."
"Her face flashed pink when she blushed at the compliment."

That.. that's not happening...

About OC:
My OC's full name is Crystal Casitie. Last name pronounced [Cas•ee•tee] but she also says [Cas•si•tee]. So it doesn't really matter how you say it.

Her hero name is Spider-Woman or Cyba, short for the word Cybaeidae because she was bitten by a contaminated, radioactive water spider.

Her universe has neon atoms in the air that make her world look bright with vibrant colors. Her sun shines 25 times brighter, and her nights are thick and almost pitch black despite the lights.

She has the ability to manipulate all forms of liquid and can control blood and vapor in the air. She also heals wounds and illnesses as well as uncomfortable emotions and moods.

She can not heal terminal illnesses, nor can she revive the dead. She also can't create water out of nowhere and instead needs a source. Controlling blood is a very annoying task for her, and she would only so it if it's an open wound that needs to be stabbed up or if she needs to stop blood from coming out.

She is 14 years old at this time(11 months older than Miles.), and her universe is 3 years behind Miles.

She's an African American female. Her mother, Nahla, and father, David, are black also. Her uncle, Lerón, is Afro-Latino due to her Hispanic step grandfather.

Her four year old  brother, Kayden, died of terminal cancer when she was 7 years old. Crystal escapes his death by hanging with Lerón, her aunt Alayna, who is Latina, and their 4 year old son, Krysten(named after her and her brother)

They taught her Physics, Spanish, guitar, etc, and she applies it to her day to day life.

She's rather quiet, she's used to being to herself but she's friendly. She also loves art and make believe.

JUST A LEAP OF FAITH                                MILES MORALESWhere stories live. Discover now