418 22 9

August 15, XXXX

I just finished sparring. Kaveh was right when he said Alhaitham has a snarky attitude.

I respect him, but if I ever got the opportunity to slap him without being seen as improper, I would do it in a heartbeat.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

With your sword and spear in hand, you set off for the practice facilities, which were just beyond the castle's stables. Usually, it would be reserved for the knights who serve in the castle, but since Diluc started practicing with his sword, those formalities were disregarded.

Once you were close enough to the practice grounds, you spotted Kaveh's blonde mane and the red hair clips that adorn it. He had what appeared to be a claymore at his side.

The sound of metal clashing tore your attention away from Kaveh and onto the the two men sparring – one of which was Prince Alhaitham. He thrusted his sword forward at his opponent, who happened to be your brother. His red locks fell at his shoulders as he brought his claymore up to parry the attack.

You felt your feet freeze in place. Before you could turn around and march back to your room, a voice called for you.

"Y/N," Kaveh greeted. He started to approach you. "You came."

You gave the man a strained smile. "Yes, but I didn't know Diluc would be here too."

"I didn't invite him, if that's what you're thinking. It was Alhaitham," Kaveh sighed. "I didn't know until last night, and when I explained why he shouldn't come with us, he went off at me."

"It's fine that he's here," you replied, trying to hide your annoyance for the silver-headed prince. "I suppose I should've told him about my combat training sooner. Why not today?"

"That's the spirit," the blonde smiled, hoping to lighten the mood. His ruby eyes drifted to your weapon, well weapons, of choice. "You weild both a spear and a sword?"

"Yes," you nodded, "though, I'm more experienced with a spear." Kaveh only hummed in response. You turned back to watch Diluc and Alhaitham spar.

You've only seen Diluc use his claymore on a few occasions, mainly when he was a child. Now was the first time you were truly able to see his strength.

He brought the claymore over his shoulder before swinging it down towards Alhaitham. The latter parried the attack with his sword. Alhaitham's calculated gaze flickered over to you and Kaveh. Diluc, who was anticipating an attack, was confused. For a moment, he let his guard down, turning in the direction of Alhaitham's gaze. He furrowed his brows as he spotted you.

With a sly smirk, Sumeru's prince used this moment of weakness to his advantage, pushing away from Diluc, giving the two of them some distance. Your brother lowers his weapon before launching himself in the air. Mid-air, he turns and brings his sword down, striking it into the ground where the Alhaitham once stood.

"You're still the same fighter I met three years ago," Alhaitham said.

"Let's call it a draw," your brother suggests in between heavy breaths. The Prince of Sumeru nods and makes his way towards you and Kaveh. Diluc follows. Both of them wore unreadable expressions.

"Kaveh," Alhaitham called. "You and I are going to spar now."

"Okay," the blonde huffed as he followed Alhaitham. He shot you a quick glance as he left.

"Good morning, Diluc," you said. Your brother didn't respond. Instead, he noted the weapons in your hands.

"I thought Father didn't let you train." Your eyes met his confused gaze.

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