"What did Sluggy want?" I recognized James's handwriting.

Making sure Kilgore wasn't looking. I wrote back. "He invited me to the Slug Club dinner on Friday."

"Really? So, you're going to be part of the Slug Club now?"  Sirius wrote.

"I don't know. I'm just going to the dinner."

"Lucky, you have the dinner with Lily." James.

"Do you know who else is in the Slug Club?"

"No idea."  James.

"Me neither."  Sirius.

"I think a couple Slytherins, a Ravenclaw, and maybe a Hufflepuff, but I'm not sure. You'll have to ask Lily. I think you and Lily are the only Gryffindors now. There were a couple Seventh Years last Year."  Remus.

"I'm surprised you're not in it, James."

"Yeah, well, it's probably because I'm a troublemaker."

"No doubt about that."  Sirius.

"Shut up, Padfoot." James.

"Never, Prongs. Hey, Aspen, you think Friday is a good night to go?"  Sirius.

"Why wouldn't it be? Full moon is only tonight."

"Oh, I thought it was until Friday."  Sirius.

"You're thinking of last month. Are you good, Siri? You've been awfully forgetful lately."

"I'm fine."  Sirius.

"Ok. Well. Yeah. I'm good for Friday. You ready for tonight's fight?"

"Hell right I am!"  Sirius.

"What fight?" James.

"Sirius and I are fighting in animal form. We decided it on Friday. This will be the second one. And I'll pin him down in no time."

"No you won't. I'm gonna get you this time."   Sirius.

"You have fought before?" James.

"Yeah, on Christmas last Year. I fought Sirius and Remus. I won both times."

"I can't wait to see that!" James.


It was now the full moon. Our transformations were complete. Sirius, James, and Peter were bound to show up any second now. I was sitting on the floor. Twitching my tail.

"Why do I get the feeling that your too excited for this fight?" Rem barked.

"This is fun for me. Don't know why. It just is." I barked back. "Hey, Rem?"


"Have you noticed anything strange about Sirius? He's been very forgetful. And something just seems off to me. Have you noticed anything?"

"No, I haven't. I'm sorry. I can ask him if you'd like?"

"No. It's fine. Don't worry about it. If there is something wrong with him. He'll tell us eventually."

"You're right, Aspen."

Just then. I heard a creak on the stairs. I jumped up. And wagged my tail. A second later. Sirius bounded in. His tail was wagging as well.

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