Chapter Five: Connections

Start from the beginning

She didn't know how long she sat out there, until she heard footsteps coming her way, she tensed, turning back to see who was approaching. She caught sight of him then couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"There you are." Malakas said, coming to sit next to her.

"What do you want?" Helga snapped, her tone sharp. This seemed to startle the young man as he was silent for a minute.

"You looked in need of company..."

"Thought I'd ran away?" She snapped again, her temper flaring. Her eyes widened when she realized what she'd said and she put her hands on her head, leaning forward. There was a moment of silence yet again before a hand went to her shoulders rubbing softly

"Hush arketá éna, you have had a long day..." Malakas said soothingly, up until that point Helga hadn't even realize the few stray tears running down her face, she never cried, not ever... This only caused her to hide her face more, though she wouldn't admit it, his hands were calming.

Finally when she got control of herself she looked up, noting the look of concern on the Atlantian's face as he sat next to her. She offered him a shrug of her shoulder to tell him she was somewhat better now.

"Its a beautiful night." He commented, slowly removing his hand from her back and looking up at the sky.

"It is." She answered, which surprised him, he had expected her to keep a stony silence, then again this surface dweller was often surprising him.

"It will become easier." He offered, and Helga stiffened somewhat.

"No it wont." She muttered, reaching behind her back to release her hair from the braid she had put it in.

"Why do you say that?"

"Look at me, do I look anything like your people? I'm too different. You all have your families, and connections, I have nothing. I'm alone here." She said, simply, brushing her hair out with her fingers as best she could before beginning to braid it once again.

Malakas frowned for a moment, and looked away, as though thinking of something, a moment later though his faced cleared and he stood up.

"Wait here." He said, then hurried off, Helga was curious, but shrugged it off, continuing to fix her hair until it was in place again.

Malakas did return a few minutes later, this time with a small clay bowl in his hands, Helga tried to strain her neck so she could see what was inside but he held it out of her sight playfully.

"Do you trust me arketá éna?" He asked, his tone almost eager.

"What kind of question is that?" She asked her eyebrows arching as she studied him.

"Do you trust me?" He repeated, looking down at her with a half a smile.

"Yes..." She finally answered, caution still playing on her face though. He flashed a smile and knelt down on one knee in front of her.

"Then close your eyes Helga." He instructed, and to his surprise, and perhaps even her own, she did as he asked.

The only clue to what he was doing was the feeling of something cool across her arms, and despite her instincts she kept her eyes closed.

"Open." Malakas said, and when she did she saw her shoulder had been covered in the intricate blue tattoo marks that every inhabitant seemed to wear here.

"It means a beginning, from one that fell from the sky and found herself a land of strangers." He explained, his finger tracing the now dry body paint.

"So they tell stories?" She asked, her hand going out to trace his own for a moment. He nodded his head and smiled.

"It is our own personal history, the things we want other to know, and the things we want ourselves to remember." He answered. This time Helga smiled slightly, she hadn't realized there was that much behind it.

"You're face is cut." He commented, his finger coming out to trace the scab.

"I know." She answered with a roll of her eyes.

"A lash mark." Malakas said suddenly, with almost a growl in his voice.

"I fell." Helga answered, seeing the look in his eyes and lying to avoid a problem. The young man grunted, and didn't say anything else, simply pulling the necklace from around his neck and holding it up to the cut.

"We'll make it right." He said softly, leaning in closer, and holding the crystal to her face. Instead of protesting as she had with Kida and Natala, Helga allowed him to come closer, and a moment later he was pressing his hand against her cheek gently and once he pulled away no mark could be seen.

He stood then, glancing back at the house.

"I bid you goodnight then  arketá éna." He said with almost a bow, before turning back to the direction of his home.

"Goodnight Malakas."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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