"Yo lets go I can't be late, I am in the wedding" he says to the group while Mariana stands to take the dress off of Jess and enables her to go get ready in her own room. Also mainly to stop Winston's whinging.

"You're the Usher, so relax." Nick replies, already done with Winstons whole demeanor towards this wedding.

"Yeah I'll be busy that way I won't have to sit around answering a bunch of stupid questions all day like..." Wiston began listing his 'stupid questions' as Nick tiredly rubbed his hands over his face. "This is like the first Job I've had in like two months dude I just wanna get in there and ush this wedding in the face!" Winston ended  his stress-filled rant as Schmidt reassured him.

"You're gonna be great man"

Seeing this as an opportunity to Jab at Nick Mariana had her input "But Nick won't, if you could keep away from the buffet every five minutes" Everyone remained silent definitely not finding her quip as funny as she did and Winston just left not wanting to deal. Nick simply looked up at her and mimicked her words in the form of 'mi-mi-mi-mi-mi' unable to think of a good comeback. "Oh good one" she scoffed.

"Guys! No!" Schmidt exclaimed. "Look Mariana, we're not trying to be mean, just don't be yourself... in any way" He put not so lightly as Nick nodded in agreement, making her roll her eyes thinking it ridiculous how she had to change but Nick could continue to be a dick, she turned swiftly to enter her closet.

"Got it" She stated once out of view and trying on her dress. Whilst doing so she could hear Nick and Schmidt talking about the use of Schmidt's hair gel and thought about what her life had come to as she had been forced to change in there while two grown men argue in her bedroom.

When they were seemingly done Mariana exited grasping their attention as the dress had fit her perfectly. "So..?" She asked waiting for their approval.

"Who let the dirty slut out of the slut house." Schmidt said eyeing her figure, most likely her clevage. Whereas Nick remained silent entranced, once again seeing a goddess before him until Schmidt nuged him slightly and he coughed.

"Yeah erm, looks whatever" He choked out.

"Great, thanks" Mariana sarcastically replied, but for a moment seemed to want something more from him, she thought there was going to be but no, same Nick as always.

Suddenly Jess had appeared in the door way also looking stunning in a small plum dress as she drew attention towards her she smiled with big fake teeth "Let's go knock biscuits brother-cousins" she exclaimed in a southern accent as the boys immediately shut her down.

"No!" Schmidt said angrily getting off the bed while Nick seemed more dissappointed.

"No teeth, Jess, you can't use prop teeth!" He stated.

"Oh come on guys! These are hilarious" Jess tried to reason.

"I loved them" Mariana says as Nick gets up to leave, shaking his head and her and Jess share a small giggle while following after.

Jess walks funny as they enter the wedding venue Nick stood close to Mariana as they walk literally shoulder to shoulder.

"Okay we gotta make this belivable so we're gonna be close." He says almost trying to convince her.

"Yeah I know" Mariana replies while Nick quickly retorts.

"I was talking to myself."

"Oh bendito, I hate you so much" She says back quietly to him through gritted teeth but then takes a moment, she slowly breathes out with her eyes closed and Nick watches her closely. After a few seconds she opens her eyes and smiles at him, sweetly, before walking to join Jess.

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