6 | Clown-y & Dear Moony

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November 27th ⭒ 1977

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November 27th ⭒ 1977

November 27th ⭒ 1977

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  "Tell you what, exactly?" Josephine was curled in a small ball on her bed, arms wrapped protectively around the rest of her body, still in her pajamas. Groggily, rubbing her eyes open, she complained, "my, will you all stop prying?"

  Marlene pouted, giving her those doe eyes that everyone eventually relented to.

  "I'm telling you, nothing happened!"

  Clearly, Marlene did not buy the bullshit Jo was trying to sell her. "Right, and Sirius has been avoiding you for at least a day. We saw how awkward everything was at dinner."

  "You weren't even listening at dinner!"

  "I'm excellent at multitasking," Marlene replied, clearly offended by the implication.

  Jo rolled her eyes dismissively. "Okay, then, you saw exactly what you saw. Which is nothing. He probably just got caught by Filch with someone in a broom closet or something and was moody about that."

  "Moody enough to ignore you? You've been attached at the hip ever since you met," Dorcas added, unswayed.

  "It's just his time of month. Merlin, you don't have to overanalyze every single thing the boy's done or hasn't done."

  "Ah, yes, but we do, because we're also his friends, so it's our job to make sure he's himself." Marlene reminded her. "Sure, he's a bastard but if someone's imperio-ed him it's also a bad thing for us."

  "Isn't that self-preservation?" Jo argued, trying to change the topic.

  "Partially, yes," Marlene admitted, "but we can talk about that later. Seriously. What happened?"

  The Potter girl sighed, moving to a sitting position where she could lean against the headboard. "If I knew, I'd tell you."

  Lily scrutinized her gaze, trying to figure out whether Jo was lying or not. Apparently, she passed, because the next round of questions never came. "Well, onto the topic of much more pleasant things than Sirius Black, you've all got your outfits ready for the ball, haven't you?"

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