[01] Four of Spades (1)

Start from the beginning

My feet slowly moved back from where I came from still deafened from the bang of the gun and the noise coming from the people running.

Another shot was taken by the sniper as my mind quickly got over. I stood up and quickly ducked my way further inside the building.

There were 3 corridors, one that leads further inside the main building, the other leads to the crowd where most of the people ran. The other was a dead-end hallway leading to the fire exit.

My mind had been rushed. I quickly cleared my thoughts in front of the crisis.

'Uh... The goal? Is... To climb up!' I uttered. I then quickly rushed myself towards the hallway that leads unto the three corridors.

My eyes glanced towards the dead-end hallway and I saw the same girl I approached earlier. She's planning to go up through the emergency exit. My body stumbled as I second-thought to myself if I were to follow her or not.

My body slowly walked towards her just when I quickly stopped in front of the crossway.

I glanced in the main hallway, at the end of the hallway are elevators.

'It's quicker than climbing the stairs!' My mind murmured. I then immediately changed my mind.

I ran towards the group of people who were fleeing for their lives.

Another shot has been taken. Everyone ducked down just as a person reached the end of the hallway.

He called the elevators and shouted "I already called it, everyone duck!"

There were five people running towards the elevator. One of them is elderly, two were middle-aged while the last two were the same age as me.

We all ducked while running, covering our heads while we sprint towards the elevator.

The two middle-aged men were impatient to wait. They quickly rushed up through the main stairs that ran behind the elevators.

Both of them disappeared from my sights as I came nearer to the other group.

With chills down my spine, sweat through my head and blood stains on my uniform, I immediately ran towards the group of people who were waiting for the elevator to come down.

"Is that a sniper?" I asked them. The old man said, "It's a tank rifle. It pierces through solid walls and concrete."

"As long as we duck, we can't be seen due to the high windows of the building," He added.

Another shot can be heard but no following bullets tried to hit us. We, however, waited for what seemed like forever outside the elevator doors.

"What... is this madness?" I asked them. They all looked at me with fear still imprinted on their eyes.

"There's no end in this meaningless world..." The other man said.

I slowly looked behind to notice the dimming lights in the background. For a moment of thought, there was complete silence.

The silence beckons over us for it gave me time to think about the death of Mika.

I remember the glee on her smile just as I was about to be innocently involved in this murderous mess.

My body slowly calmed down and thought 'I... want to live...' just as the silence grew more and more.

For a moment it seems like one of us would get hit by the sniper.

I looked at the elevator screen and finally, the elevator had reached the 1st floor.

The elevator finally dinged. Everyone rushed in front of it, waiting for it to open.

Alice In Borderland The First Cycle [Part I]Where stories live. Discover now