"Good evening, Mom and Dad. I'm happy to be able to meet you today." Huo Wei called them so smoothly, like it was the natural thing to do.

Yu Heng's eye twitched, but he didn't say anything about it. "Welcome. We've been expecting you as well."

Feng Mian examined her future son-in-law. He was very good-looking. He also carried the air of someone who had been in power for a long time. His words and gestures showed authority. Although, it seems that he had consciously toned it down for this evening.

It showed that he cared enough to want to leave a good impression on his future in-laws. This was a good sign.

She smiled at him. "You are just in time. Dinner was just served. Come, join us for dinner."

Huo Wei responded courteously, "Thank you for your invitation." He followed as she led him to the dining room. Yu Heng followed right after, wearing a slight frown on his face. His son-in-law had yet to win his approval.

Dinner was quiet but not awkward. From time to time, Huo Wei would pick pieces from Yu Yuan's favorite dishes and put them on her plate, showing his attentiveness.

Feng Mian had an even better impression of him, and the frown on Yu Heng's face eased a little.

Yu Yuan just thought that Huo Wei's investigative search was very detailed to even be able to get her favorite dishes. Although, she wasn't complaining. She even enjoyed the service of this handsome man.

Once dinner was over, they all moved to the living room.

Yu Heng started, "When I heard that you both intended to get married, I thought it wasn't a wise decision. Yu Yuan has managed to assuage some of my worries, but I still have my doubts, so I want to hear from you. Are you sure you've thought this through? Can you protect our daughter? Are you able to make her happy?"

Huo Wei replied earnestly, "We are getting married because we think we are very compatible. I won't say it's love at first sight, but we thought about it seriously before coming to this decision. I'll try my best to take care of her, protect her, cherish her and make her happy. It's a responsibility I gladly accept."

"And if things don't work out well, you have my word that no harm will come to her, and I will give her a peaceful divorce. We believe that it's worth trying. Even if our decision seems rushed, we'll put our best to make things work out."

After listening to his solemn words and promise, Yu Heng felt relieved. They didn't know how things would turn out, but he knew Huo Wei was a man that kept to his word. He believed Huo Wei would treat his precious daughter well, and there would be a peaceful divorce if things didn't work out well.

This scenario was the best he could hope for. "If things are as you say then we have nothing to worry about."

A small smile appeared on Huo Wei's face. "Thank you for your blessings. I promise once again that I'll do my best to make her happy."

Huo Wei's visit lasted longer. During that time, he managed to coax his in-laws further. He might be cold and mostly indifferent, but he was still an intelligent businessman who had met all kinds of people.

Social skills were a must to succeed in the business world. By the time he was leaving, Feng Mian was all smiles, and even Yu Heng had a slight smile on his face.

Yu Yuan escorted him out to his car. At this moment, Huo Wei had reverted to his cold and calm self.

"You performed well today," she commented. "You managed to put a smile on the face of my parents."

The air around him shifted, and it became a little mischievous. "Do you want to reward me for my good performance?"

Yu Yuan stepped closer to him. "You do deserve a reward." Then she leaned forward until their faces were almost touching. "But that'll have to wait till next time. My parents are waiting for me."

After saying those words, she quickly moved away before he could get hold of her. Huo Wei's eyes narrowed. "Very well, I'll wait for next time. As you already know, I'm very good at waiting. See you on Saturday, Mrs Huo."

Yu Yuan raised a brow. "Isn't it too early for that?"

Huo Wei didn't answer immediately. Instead, he moved into her personal space until his presence enveloped her. Then, raised his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ears and said in a low deep voice, "It doesn't matter how early it is. It's already set in stone."

Yu Yuan could almost feel the vibrations coming from his chest. Her breathing quickened a little. When she raised her head to look at his eyes, she could detect a hint of mirth in his eyes. He did that on purpose.

Huo Wei didn't go any further. He just stepped away and got into his car.

As he drove away, Yu Yuan watched his car disappear from sight. Saturday never seemed so farther.

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