"Right sir, of course, s-sorry." Garcia stuttered her apology and I hid my smirk.

"Hey, so, turns out that all of our victims had had surgery." JJ said as she entered the room followed by Prentiss.

"Surgery?" I echoed in confusion, folding my arms.

"Yep. Kit Daniels had underarm plastic surgery to prevent sweating," She explained as she consulted her notepad. 

"Bryan Eggort had laser surgery on his upper back to remove a tattoo as well as plastic surgery on his left cheek to conceal a facial scar he'd received in childhood."

"And Hank Turner had liposuction two years ago." JJ concluded.

"Okay well, get Garcia to look into where-"

"Already done. All three men were treated by a Doctor Parkins at the Syladelic Clinic across town. Oh wait," Garcia stopped in the middle of her sentence and we all turned to the phone in the centre of the table. 

"That clinic is right in the centre of our Unsub's comfort zone. And oh my..." She gasped. "Doctor Parkins is a hell of a lot like our victims." Aaron's cell bleeped a new email and immediately he opened it; his eyes going slightly wider before he turned the cell for us all to see.

Doctor Parkins had blonde hair, blue eyes; just like our three victims.

"No guessing as to who our victims were surrogates for." Prentiss said matter-of-factly.

"Reid, you up for paying him a little visit?" Morgan asked from across the room.

"Uh, sure." I nodded, grabbing my coat and satchel before following him out of the conference room.


"Okay man, spill." Morgan said as soon as we were alone in the confines of the SUV.

"Spill what? What're you talking about?" I asked, blinking rapidly in confusion.

"Don't play the innocent BS with me, Reid, I know there's summit going on with you."

"I-I don't know what you mean."

"Oh yeah? Then how come there's been no private emails, no texts, no calls, no nothing for the past few days since you mysteriously never showed up for work?"

"Private emails? Mysterious? Morgan I-I was sick, I couldn't get out of bed let alone work the other day."

"So it would have nothing to do with the fact that Melanie was in town the other day then huh?"

"How did you know about that?"

"Because I heard Hotch on the phone with her talking about seeing Beth and Jack."

"You overheard one of Aaron's phone-calls? Morgan, what're you trying to do here?"

"I'm trying to look out for a good friend. I hate seeing you like this, man. You're all over the place. You think throwing yourself into work and ignoring everyone on the outside is going to help when you eventually go home? Our problems don't go away when we do, man. They only get worse."

"I don't have any problems Morgan."

"Reid, I can read you like a book, I know when you're lying to me."

"Oh, you can?" I snapped defensively. "So you can read in me, that the reason I wasn't at work the other day was because I was in a coffee shop being comforted by Melanie because, as usual on that day of the year I was heartbroken at the fact that our child wasn't here with us?" 

There was a small silence. 

"Of course, just like you can read in me the other fact that Dylan proceeded to tear Melanie to pieces because she actually thought that after everything, Melanie was trying to mess with my head. Yeah. I knew you'd be able to read all of that."

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