I'm lost, right amidst this paranoia

Start from the beginning

Rui gently took them from her hands and activated them. He examined how it worked while Mrs. Kamishiro spoke to him. 

"I've been working on em this whole week, no time for sleep my boy! It took a lot of trial and error, but I did it! I finally did it! " Mrs. Kamishiro said as Rui handed the glasses back to her. 

"It looks great ma, but some of the screws for the main part of the glasses look a bit flimsy. There's also a bit of a moment lags with the button... All easy fixes. "

"Aw, really? I swore I looked them over! "

Rui took the glasses back and set them down on the table. He grabbed a few materials and started tightening the screws. He then tinkered with the button a bit, then set them down again. 

"There we go, all fixed. I also fixed the button so it's actually automatic, and it doesn't take an extra second," he said, as Mrs. Kamishiro looked at the glasses in awe. 

"You really are the best son, aren't you?" She said, standing on her tiptoes to ruffle Rui's hair. 

"How 'bout we watch a musical later now that it's done, I and you bud."

"What about Dad? " Rui asked, watching Mrs. Kamishiro run around the room putting things away. 

"Oh, yes! That's another thing I needed to tell you. Daddy's got a huge job opportunity! He's been offered to be a graphic designer for an upcoming huge game series, isn't that amazing!? " She said, jumping up and down a few times in excitement. 

"Really? That's awesome! Is he gonna be out of town for a bit? "

"Exactly, so he's not home tonight. But he's getting a lot of money from this opportunity, so that's good! With my new invention, we could also get a lot more money! " She said excitedly, moving back over to Rui. 

"I mean, we have enough money to last us- but more never hurts! " They both laughed at her comment, just enjoying each other's presence. 

"Let's go into the kitchen mom, I'll cook for you. " Rui said, walking down the stairs with her. 

Once they were in the kitchen, Rui started cooking lunch. Mrs. Kamishiro stood beside him, handing him ingredients when needed. They sat in comfortable silence, as Rui let his thoughts wander again. 

".. Hey ma? "

"Hm? "

Rui let out a shaky breath, wondering how to approach the topic. 

"What do you do... When you have a bad feeling about someone. They haven't really done anything wrong, and they seem sweet as can be... But something is just.. Off.. "

Mrs. Kamishiro looked up at him for a moment, looking into his eyes. After a few moments, she smiled and said

"This is about Mrs. Tenma, isn't it? "

"How did you-"

"Mother's instinct. I got that feeling when I met her too, if I'm being honest. Something was just... Off in her ideals and the way she spoke of Tsukasa, although it was all praise. "

"What do I do... I think she's emotionally hurting Tsukasa, if she knows it or not...and I certainly don't want to bring it up with Tsukasa... I don't want to hurt his feelings. " Rui put his head in his hands and gave a frustrated sigh. 

Mrs. Kamishiro put her on his back, comforting him. "Hey, go with your gut kid. If you think something is off, it probably is. Try to help him and support him, and stick up for him if anything's wrong. I'm always here for you if you need me. " she said, removing his hands from his face. 

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