. Chapter two .

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I wore the same dress every reaping day.

You would think that the same dress wouldn't fit me at ages 12 and 18, but it did. The dress was a pale blue colour and had long sleeves with white embroidered seashells on the lining of the sleeves and the skirt.

After I got it on, I tied half of my hair into a little braid and let the other half fall onto my shoulders.

I headed down the stairs and began to make breakfast for my dad. I heated the flame and put a tin of beans into the pan.

I then made my way to his room, which was on the bottom floor of the house, and started giving him his medications.

"Happy birthday! I can't believe my little guppy is 18!" my dad smiled to me as I gave him a handful of coloured pills.

It's very rare to be born on the worst day of the year, but not impossible, and it's just my luck to have my birthday on reaping day.

Well, once I get back from the reaping, I am going to treat us to some berries, and me and Aunt Nat are going to wheel you down to the beach so we can have a picnic." I smile back at him.

"That sounds lovely. I actually have something for you." He reaches over to a drawer next to his bed and pulls out a small black box with a tiny bow on the top.

"It's not much, but I hope you like it." He hands it to me, and I pull the lid off to see a small necklace with a piece of sea glass and a small locket compartment.

I opened it to see a picture of me and my dad the first time he took me on his boat.

Dad, it's beautiful, thank you." I immediately bend down, and he helps me put it on.

Beautiful," he nods.

"How did you afford this?" I look up curiously.

"Don't you worry about that," he says, shaking his head.

Sometimes I wonder how a person as sweet and compassionate as my dad ever ended up marrying a woman like my mom, a woman who has never told me she loved me.

whereas he goes out of his way every day to make sure I know just how loved I am by him.

I finish making him breakfast and serve it to him before it's time for me to leave.

"Good luck, guppy," my dad whispered to me as I hugged him goodbye.

"I love you," I call as I pull away and head for the door.

"To the bottom of the ocean and back, he said, giving me a warm smile before I left.

I head towards the district centre, where all the groups are pushing their way through.

I slowly slipped my way through getting stopped by a peacekeeper and having my finger pricked, which hurt more than I remembered.

I made my way over to the other girls my age. I sometimes wish I knew some of them. I can see some standing hand in hand, others looking over to their parents.

I never had that as my dad is excused from attending the reaping due to his condition, but I sometimes wish he had to come reaping day, which always makes me feel the loneliness I try so desperately to push away.

I stood and watched as the victors made their way to the stage.

The crowd started to quiet down after the previous victors entered the stage, and like clockwork, the same video played across the large black screen for around 2 minutes before District 4's escort, Lumi Targen, spoke.

As she rambles on about the video, I take notice of her eyelashes, each one a different colour. I didn't even know that was possible, and the sheer size of them makes me want to rub my own eyes.

Our little secret -annie x finnick story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon