Chapter I

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Words: 2.1k
Edited: no
Warnings: shooting, guns, mention of blood

You were in the grocery store picking up something to eat for dinner when suddenly you heard someone yell from the door.
You turned your head and saw two men with a rifle and guns in their hands, people screaming and trying to get out of the door when suddenly everything went down. Loud noises exploded in the supermarket and people were running, screaming and falling to the ground over each other.
They weren't aiming specifically at anyone, they were just shooting around, no reason was spoken.

It took you a while to react, to get your legs to move after the initial shock. Never in your entire life you would've thought something like this would've happened to you, especially in a grocery store. Perhaps a bank, or a dark alleyway at night, yes, someone wanting to rob you more likely. But you would've never guessed you would be risking your life in the fruit aisle.
You started running, not even knowing where to, you just followed the people in front of you and then you tripped over one of the fallen people hitting your head on one of the shelves. You got up not feeling the pain but still feeling dizzy about it but at the moment you couldn't care about it, you just had to run.

The fall still gave more time to the attackers, you noted they had gotten closer when you turned your back to see where they were. And that was your mistake, you felt a sudden burning sensation in your stomach, and when you looked down sure enough there was blood seeping through your t-shirt. You still tried to run, you HAD to make it out of there and you had to try while you still were conscious. Other than the burning feeling you couldn't feel anything, not even the blood dripping from your forehaed. The adrenaline was numbing you.

You turned right at the end of the aisle, getting past people and ran down to the main entrance before your legs decided to give out. You were feeling too weak to even continue, even breathing was getting harder and harder though your heart was trying its best pumpin fast.
You rested your back on the shelves, praying to whoever was listening to either save you or give you a fast and painless death, your hands  pressing on your wound in a moment of lucidity.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. When you opened you weren't in the grocery store anymore, you were in a dark corridor dimly lit by neon lights.

Cold marble was pressed against your skin that was slowly loosing its warmth and for a second you did think you were dead.

"Where did she come from?" said a voice and you turned your head to see who it belonged to. You saw two men weirdly dressed in what looked like robes, one older than the other.

"What do you mean Anakin?" said the older man.

"She wasn't there before!" said the one with darker clothes looking at me and putting a hand under his robe. You were probably having a hallucination right now because you swore the eldest looked like Jesus in your head. Apparently your prayer was heard.

"You're wounded, do you need help?" asked the Jesus looking guy ignoring the youngest. You nodded, not really having the strength to speak.

"Anakin I'm going to the medbay to find help you stay here with her" said again the man before running away.

"How did you get here?" asked the boy who looked around your age.

"Aren't we in the supermarket?" you asked, trying to keep your eyes open.

"No, we're not! This is the jedi temple, what are you talking about?" he said to you like you were crazy, he even was looking weirdly at your clothing. You were wearing jeans and a t-shirt, he was the one looking like a monk here.

"I think I'm hallucinating... I've been shot." you said, closing your eyes again. It was getting harder and harder to keep them open. 

"No, no, wait don't close your eyes stay awake" he said getting down at your level. "Where have you been shot?" he asked.

In Another Life - Anakin Skywalker x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum