Cookies vs Dragon

Start from the beginning

Being a dragon that attacked the kingdom, people didn't like you much. Hell, they probably hate you. Pitaya didn't mind too much though since many of the citizens showed fear instead of the hatred and the thought that people feared them kept them going. But naturally there would be a few people brave enough to show said hate and act stupid. Today, Pitaya encountered said person.

An older man, probably in his 50s or 60s, with hair white, dark skin, and a surprisingly muscular build for his age. He had been chatting with another, younger, person with blond hair, a dress that had some sort of corset, and the lighter tanish skin. They were talking about a sort of visit with their son when Pitaya had passed by.

"The thing should've been killed the moment it was in the kingdom." The older man grumbled. The younger man didn't react at all, instead simply laughing it off. Pitaya wanted to grab him by the shirt and murder them right there and then, but murder is illegal and that would show weakness so they did the next best thing. Swat the man with their tail. So Pitaya did exactly that and the man was NOT happy. "Watch it!"

"Don't talk about me that way. I could crush you like sssso many antsssss." Pitaya was feeding the fire, they were going to make this fire explode.

"As if. I used to hunt you creatures down." The older man took an aggressive stance while the younger man just watched.

"You usssed to? Oh wow, I'm ssso ssscared." Pitaya huffed a bit. Dragon-hunters are the worst. "As if I hadn't killed you cookiesss before."

"Okay that's enough," The blond man finally spoke up. All he had wanted was a quiet evening, but this whole situation was trouble. Plus, he doesn't want to deal with a dragon trying to attack them. "That was kinda rude too honey." he quickly added whispering just loud enough for Pitaya to overhear.

"Whatever." Pitaya walks away. They didn't even get a good laugh out of that. In fact, they was a bit freaked out. He hasn't really encountered a dragon-hunter before out of battle and it was strange to say the least. Pitaya had made the argument worse on purpose, but they didn't expect to feel this way. They never really had a feeling like this, but they really couldn't really complain. Okay, maybe they were a bit weirded out by meeting someone who would want to kill them on the street, just like a normal person.

Dragons didn't really humanize dragon-hunters. The same way dragon-hunters didn't humanize dragons.

And Pitaya didn't really humanize cookies.

Pitaya went to a surprising empty area so he can open their wings a bit. Their wings were aching a bit from laying down for a while.

"Whoa!" It was a little kid. He has a onesie on and carried some acorns in a basket. The boy ran up to Pitaya fawning over the wings, leaving Pitaya a bit speechless. "Can you fly?!"

"Yesss. I can fly."

"Whoa!" The kid drops the basket and lifts his hand in that air to simulate flying. He runs off somewhere else, pretending to fly, accidentally leaving the basket with Pitaya. Crap.

"Come back!" Pitaya yells, but it was too late. The kid was gone and Pitaya couldn't see him anywhere. Oh crap. Pitaya grabs the basket, making sure to put the acorns that fell out back into the basket. They started to walk in the direction of where the kid left, hoping that the kid didn't go far.

It was probably too dangerous for a kid to be running around. Where were his parents anyways? Pitaya walked on, occasionally stopping to ask around about the kid. The citizens were usually nice, but a few did question them. They didn't care though, it wasn't everyday these people saw a dragon asking about a kid. That's just plain weird.

Eventually Pitaya realized that walking was proving itself useless at finding this kid. It was taking way too much time. It was really ruining his plans of causing chaos among the marketplace too. So Pitaya went out to find another empty area so he could fly. Maybe flying over the crowd could help find this kid faster.

The crowd was shocked to say the least. It felt nice to be the center of attention once again, but they had to make sure that they kept their eyes open for that kid.

Then a little boy with a similar onesie caught their eyes. It was the kid, crying about his missing basket as his friends collected a small pile of acorns in front of him.

Pitaya landed behind the kids as no not scare them.

"You left thisss." The kid turned around to see Pitaya, his basket in hand, with a few acorns falling out of it. "Make sure you get all of your thingsss before you leave next time."

The kids was speechless. He wasn't crying anymore, but he didn't look very happy. Pitaya awkwardly put the basket in front of the kid. It was like a switch was flicked in the kid since the kid suddenly jumped up and hugged Pitaya, burying his face into their stomach. Pitaya accidentally kicks over the basket in surprise, but no one seemed to mind at all.

Everything was so sudden. Like VERY sudden. Too sudden to even realize. Pitaya was now a princess for their kind actions. Not really, but the kids really loved to pretend to be knights and dragons and they needed to be a pretty princess. It made no sense in their mind, but the kids like it. The kids ran around playing a bastardized version of knights and dragons while they watched.

So maybe their afternoon plans were ruined, but it's fine.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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