A talk

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"You know what do by now right? Just stay here and watch them until they wake up from their nap." Knight nodded and takes a seat next the the bed Pitaya lays on. He always took the time to absorb the scene of the situation. Knight was patient and was always willing to take as much time to make sure they the Dragon woke up comfortably. Sometimes the took care of cuts and bruises when no one was watching. "Alright, tell me when they wake up!" And Holly left.

"She is gone now, you can stop pretending." Pitaya sat up. It was the usual routine, Knight and Pitaya would talk, Pitaya is shocked on how Knight does know that he's pretending, Knight being flattered, and exactly at 8:00, Hollyberry would come by to check in, and Knight would pretend that Pitaya has been knocked out and that he would probably need "a few more hours". Then Hollyberry would offer to get someone else to come and take this place, but Knight would refuse. That's the way things would always go.

Today was no different. Of course it wasn't any different, why would it be. Knight was trusted that his word was assumed to be the truth. It was probably wrong to lie consistently, but Knight's curiosity about the dragon killed him. It was only talking, nothing too unprofessional or inappropriate. It was strange, but not immoral. At least, that was what Knight told himself.

"Aren't you bored of ssssimply watching me?" Pitaya didn't care about the knight. It wasn't the first knight to come and fight him and it wasn't the strangest knight that has come to battle him. See Knight had the usual excuse for fighting Pitaya, battled pretty normally, nothing was new to Pitaya. But it always seemed like clockwork, Knight would show back up in his life, one way or another as if the fates cursed them and now he was stuck with a thorn on their side.

"Aren't you tired of fighting?" Knight snarkily replied.

"Touché."Knight smiled a bit. "I sssaw you and the Princessssss today. How was the boat?"

"You saw Her Highness and I on a the boat? How?"

"Hollyberry didn't want to battle without Princesssss and you watching so I needed to find you."

"And yet you still lost."

"One Day I will win and prove that I am truly sssssuperior."

"I mean, you almost won during the first solo battle of other Hollyberry. Maybe all you need is a break?" Pitaya rolled his eyes. He heard this over and over again.

"Anywayssss, you are thinking about confessssing to her?" Knight blushed a bit.

"Oh, I wish. I think there is better people for her."

"You're fine." Pitaya realized what he said and quickly added, "For her, I mean."

"Ha, Maybe. But I don't think their is much could change anyways."

Then Pitaya makes a disgusted face.

"Don't you ever shower? You sssstink like ssssweat." Knight was confused and instinctively wiped his forehead, only to find out that he was sweating more than usual. Not only that, the room is cold, not cold even warm enough to get a person sweating.

"I guess this armor is hot? I'm not sure." Knight gave a awkward smile, but Pitaya found it strange.

"Maybe talking about Princessss already made you nervoussss." They both chuck a bit. Knight noticed his breath become short. It was like he couldn't breathe enough. He explained it away in his head; he must be having anxiety issues from the strange situation, he'll just tell his imaginary therapist later.

"Ok whatever." Pitaya rolls their eyes. Knight feels a burning sensation from his chest. Now he was panicking, something was definitely wrong. It was almost like everything was hitting him at once. But Knight kept a calm face just not to show weakness in front of Pitaya. It could be dangerous if Pitaya knew about what was happening.

"One minute, I'll be back." Knight gets up from the chair that he was sitting in. His legs was shaking like leafs and he could barely stand. "I'll, I'll just-" Knight starts to stumble over his words. Pitaya definitely has noticed.

Then, Knight fell onto the floor, right against the chair. Pitaya was in shock for a second, but in a second they are lifting the knight up and walking out the door. They knew how much trouble they would be since the situation looked bad on them. Knight's nose was bleeding badly and was covering their chest with blood. Pitaya didn't panic, but they did rush to find someone that could help Knight out. Or at least find someone he knows, more like find someone Pitaya knew that Knight knows.

But what he didn't know was the crowds that was enjoying to palace and all the services in it. And of course no one that Knight knows is in sight.

'Fine, then.' Pitaya thought. 'I guess I'll just need to bring them out here.'

Pitaya ran right into the crowd, scaring everyone who saw them. Knight being passed out and bleeding added to the fear as people started to run away from the palace. Pitaya didn't care about all the ruckus they were causing, in fact it was fun to cause all trouble. But this time the trouble was for a good cause.

Then Pitaya flapped their wing and started to fly in the air. They landed on the second floor of the palace, where the balcony that oversaw the first floor. There on the balcony, was two thrones, one for the king and one for the queen. Pitaya placed Knight down on one of the thrones and made sure he would be comfortable if he woke up.

Then Pitaya jumped off the second floor, landing in on the first floor with a crash. They definitely broke the floor, but they didn't check to see if that was true.

"What are you doing, dragon?!" Princess yelled out. Her staff was held defensively and her tone was aggressive. Pitaya didn't explain, just grabbed her arm and flew up where Knight was. Princess fought the entire way. They already knew all about the trouble they were getting themselves in.

"LET ME GO!" Princess struggled.

"Should I drop you onto the firssst floor?" By now both of them were closer to the second floor. Princess didn't respond, but she still fought to get out of their grip.

Then Pitaya dropped her right in front of unconscious Knight. Princess was still arguing with Pitaya though; she hadn't noticed the knight in front of her. Pitaya really had enough.

"LOOK!" They yelled out. They push her right in front of the Knight. Then Princess panics. And of course the unlucky knight started to stir amidst the panic. And of course the panic caused people to start crowd.

"Wha? What happened?" It was a whisper that came from Knight. He didn't quite comprehend what was happening. All he knew was that it was hot, bright, he's on the floor, and his armor is gone.

"KNIGHT! Please listen-"
"Knight, I need you too-"
"Calm down and just-"
"What did they do to you?"

A myriad of voices from every angle overwhelmed Knight and he just couldn't seem to understand any of them. Only small clips of voices where clear, but still very confusing. Naturally, Knight curled up, too overwhelmed with the situation.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Princess bellowed out. The crowd fell silent. "Knight please just lay down flat. Help is coming, just stay with us."

Knight nodded and did what she said. But he didn't say awake for long.

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