A Little Help Goes a Long Way

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*Note: It's been years since I've been on/posted on Wattpad, but I wanted to share a cute little fic of mine that I posted a couple of months back on my Ao3 account (@Binibeau). This work is 100% mine from my own account. Nothing has been stolen, and everything is my own.

With that out of the way, I hope y'all enjoy this oneshot!


It was about three in the morning when Raven awoke from her sleep. Face scrunched and hand pressed against her stomach, she sat up in her bed and groaned. Despite having demon heritage, her human side still prevailed in certain ways. Unfortunately, this included having a period, which was one of the few things she really wished her demon side would've prevented entirely.

However, luck wasn't on Raven's side in this regard, and because of that her periods were nothing short of excruciating. Heavy bleeding, nausea, pelvic pressure, and intense cramping. Some days she could barely get out of bed, and other days she had to move in order to distract herself from her symptoms. Tonight was no different, opting to walk to the common room for some tea and open space.

Stepping through the sliding doors, Raven headed towards the kitchen and filled her kettle with water. She turned the stove on high, and impatiently placed the kettle on top. While she waited, she paced around for a bit before a painful cramp shocked what felt like her entire lower half, forcing her to sit down. She considered sitting on a barstool so she wouldn't have to move too much once the tea was ready (even levitating could worsen her nausea), but the couch looked too comfortable to pass up. As quickly as she could without upsetting her body any further, she trudged over and sat down.

Raven leaned back and took a moment to collect herself. She closed her eyes and tried to take her mind off the aches, but to no avail. Nothing she could conjure up in her head could divert her attention from the pain. Deciding to give it up for now, she sighed and leaned her head back against the cushion. The only thing that lifted her spirits was the thought of tea.

Suddenly, she heard the common doors slide open again. If Raven was feeling like herself, she would've looked to see who came in. But right now, she didn't have nearly enough energy to care. She wouldn't have had to look anyway, as whoever arrived made their presence known.

"Raven? What're you doing out here?"

Beast Boy, with his hair tousled and his clothes wrinkled from sleep, walked around to the front of the couch to get a better look at his teammate. "You feelin' alright?"

There was no reason to beat around the bush. Without even opening her eyes, Raven simply muttered "Cycle."

Becoming a little more awake, Beast Boy nodded. "Well, uh, how are you feeling right now?"

Raven finally lifted her head back up to look at him properly. "I want to rip my uterus out."

Beast Boy almost snickered, but quickly decided against it as she seemed completely serious. Raven, though she was a lot more comfortable being open after all these years, still struggled with admitting how she truly felt. That being said, she must've really been in a lot of pain to say that. Which made sense, as this was a kind of pain she couldn't heal.

"Is there anything I can do to help you out?" He asked.

"Besides killing me, I don't know," she replied, blinking tiredly.

This time, Beast Boy actually laughed. "Well, obviously I'm not doing that. Anything el-"

Both Titans jumped as the kettle whistled loudly. Raven had almost forgotten about it. She made a move to get up, but Beast Boy placed his hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down. "Relax, I'll get it for you."

When Raven failed to protest, he made his way towards the kitchen and grabbed a mug from one of the cabinets. Once he poured the hot tea into the cup, he squeezed a few drops of honey in, placed the kettle back down, and turned off the stove before walking towards his friend.

"Your tea, m'lady," Beast Boy said with a slight bow.

"Thanks," Raven smirked. Taking a sip, she contentedly breathed in the scent and let her eyelids close again. That peace didn't last long, however, as another sharp pain sparked through her body. She paused to catch her breath. Turning to Beast Boy, she considered him with a raised eyebrow. "Why are you up?"

"Oh, every now and then the Beast gets a little reckless. Happens for a few days each time, and I can't really stay in bed with all that going on," he shrugged.

"So it's your time of the month too?" Raven joked.

Beast Boy playfully rolled his eyes. "Haha, very funny. But seriously, the Beast for the most part just makes me restless. At least nowadays. I can't imagine all the pain you go through."

She shifted as another cramp shot through her. "It's not always this bad, but it's never easy. It's barely tolerable at times."

"So how do you manage when we're called for a mission?" Beast Boy asked curiously.

"Usually, we get called on the lighter days. Those days aren't too taxing. But on the off chance that we have a mission on my most painful days, I just...deal with it. Maybe I'd take a few pain meds, but that's all I can really do," she said with a shrug of her own.

Beast Boy blinked. "That...really sucks. I'm sorry."

Raven sighed, finishing off her tea. "Don't apologize. There's nothing you can do about it. That's just how it works." She paused and looked off to the side before speaking again. "Although, despite all the gripes I have with my demon side, I wouldn't have minded if it had stopped all this from ever happening. Now I have to deal with that and a period. Lucky me."

It was quiet for a moment, until Raven let out a sharp gasp and squeezed her eyes shut. Her arms wrapped around her stomach in discomfort. Beast Boy looked at her in sympathy, everything in his brain telling him to help her, until his eyes lit up with an idea.

"I might not be able to change anything, but I can at least try to help you tonight. Lay down, ok?"

Raven looked up at him warily, but proceeded to lie down anyway. "What do you have in mind?"

He grinned. "Just trust me. You'll be out in five minutes, tops."

"If you say so," she said, rolling her eyes.

Once she was settled, Beast Boy walked right in front of where she was currently laid. Soon enough, a bright green flash lit up the room, making Raven cover her eyes. When she opened them again, she saw nothing. Confused, she looked around the room in search of her friend. Before she could begin to wonder where he had gone, she felt a firm but soft pressure settle on top of her stomach. Lo and behold, Beast Boy was looking up at her in the form of a cat.

"How is this supposed to-" she started. Suddenly, he began kneading her gently while simultaneously purring loudly. The tiny massage combined with the vibrations felt wondrous on her aching belly. For the first time that night, Raven sighed in content. The pain and discomfort weren't fully gone, but his movements helped immensely.

Even in this form Beast Boy looked smug at his successful idea. Seeing his teammate look at least a little happy made him purr even louder. Her eyes were closed again, though this time her eyelids were far more relaxed. There was a slight smile on her face, and her now longer hair was laid out behind her on the couch's arm. His eyes lingered on her for a moment, noting how peaceful she seemed to be. She looked pretty. Before she noticed the lull in his kneading due to his wandering attention, he began again.

After a while, Raven's breathing started to become more steady, and Beast Boy himself had long since made himself comfortable on her stomach, still purring. Before she knocked out for good though, she reached her hand out and lightly scratched behind his ear. "Thanks," she said softly.

His only response was a small trill. Satisfied, Raven closed her eyes for the last time that night and let herself fully relax. Beast Boy blinked slowly at her, and soon followed suit.

A Little Help Goes a Long Way (Crossposted)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang