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This is a story I wrote while I was in middle school. It hasn't been revised, but i do believe it isn't all that bad.


Bad Luck Comes In Threes



Why three?

Because three is mystic.

What about three?

Three is your fate. The first, I can still see, his name is not known, but his image has been burnt into my brain, and once you first speak his name, it will be burnt into your tongue forever. All three are willing. Only one is able.

Three of what?

The first is young yet yet old all the same. Dark hair, skin and bone. Long life to live, little time to learn. But when he knows, he will know forever. He is the one. He is a killer. He is taken by demons. He craves the feeling murder brings. He will live a long life of crime, yet he will never be caught. You are keeping him away from his fate. You are sheltering him when he needs to be set free. And soon you will see why.

What are you talking about?

Second of the three, a little girl. Innocent, she looks, and so she is often taken advantage of. You will also try to bring a stop to this. Do not, for I tell you, she enjoys what she does, no matter what others say. Even if it is wrong, you must accept it. She pleasures it, and to bring your child displeasure is only making things worse. Especially children like these.

Children? I don’t want any children.

But you will. And the last . . . alas, I have sad news. Your youngest son will not live long. He will be great. You should wish to treasure him while he is around and treat him well, but do not spoil him, for his intentions are great. He will make everything okay again. And so when all is over, he will have made you and your wife proud.

I’m not getting married.

And your dear wife. You shall meet her someday. I will not tell you where, and I will not tell you how, because you will try your hardest to avoid the meeting. You are only eleven now, young and clueless, but as I speak to you from the grave, I bring you good news and bad. The bad news is all of humanity will be wiped away before you in three days. Everyone will suffer, including your wife and children. They will be punished the most. And you will be forced to watch. The good news, is you will live well until it all falls down.

Chapter 1




eleven when I was told I was going to die.

It may have all been a bad dream, or it may have all been real. There was only one way to find out for sure; to grow up.

All in one dream, I was told what would become of me and what would happen in my future. From that day forward, I looked at life differently. I began to cherish my mother and father and my younger, wimp-of-a brother and all the other things I used to hate. As I grew up, I became a role model. The kind of boy you want your son to hang out with. The kind of boy you want your daughter to date. Everyone knew my name; Peter Davis: Perfect Kid.

But as with all things, when I got older, my good began to ware away, layer by layer. My parents were too protective, my brother was too unimportant, and drugs were a good fallback. I hated life like most teenagers, but in this case, I was sure of my future so I wasn’t exactly thrilled about growing up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2013 ⏰

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