rolling into an unexpected thing

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Rock sighed as he was kicked across the street, this was a daily occurrence. He would be kept in a room, then taken out to be kicked around. It was weird. The thing that was kicking him could move. Not like any of the other rocks he had seen while being kicked around. Not only that but it had a weird shape, two long cylinder-looking things attached to a long rectangle. which also had some odd shape at the top. He had been all over the place at this point, but something seemed different when he started to roll over seemingly flatter and smoother terrain. 

"Why do people keep stepping on me" something sighed.

Rock looked underneath him only to find something he had never expected. a sidewalk. he had heard stories about them, but everything had told him that they didn't exist, or they were fictional. what the actual fuck. why was there a sidewalk here and how.

"Hello?" rock said trying to start a conversation with the said sidewalk.

the sidewalk gasped. he had never seen such a smooth, round looking rock before." oh my, your incredibly smooth!" he gushed. the rock rolled the other way, seemingly embarrassed. "its not bad or anything! ive just never seen such a smooth rock like yourself before!"

"i didn't even know sidewalks exist. have you seen other rocks before?"

"well of course," the sidewalk started "i see almost everything" the side walk looked incredibly smug for knowing all that. what kind of things did he even know? "you seem confused so i will give you an example," The sidewalk exclaimed. "i have seen animals, you know like the things that move on all four cylinders?"

oh. so that's what those things are called? "weird..." rock mumbled to himself.

" i know right? i was shocked when i saw one for the first time."

the sidewalk continued to talk about random stuff that rock had never even known existed until eventually the familiar rough terrain he was used to came back into his sight. 

"bye rock!"

"bye..." he responded man that guy was strange. are those things he talked about even real? the other rocks ive met haven't  mentioned these things before. what even is a car, or a bike.what strange words...

 rock continued to have these thoughts as he was kicked back into the familiar room he was kept in for countless hours.that guy was weird. maybe ill run into him again. i mean besides that  he had a lot of interesting things to say. even i was some what intrigued. i see a couple others near by, i should tell them that i actually saw a sidewalk today, no way they'd believe me but its worth a shot right?

"Hey you guys!" i shout a little louder then anticipated. "I saw a sidewalk today!"they looked a little taken aback by this statement.

"you saw a what?"

"Stop lying, those are only in story's!"

"did you really see one?"

 "Yes! I really did see one i swear I'm not lying!" I was shocked. why didn't they believe me? well, I guess it makes sense I dont think I would've believed someone else if they said they had seen a side walk before this. I let out a sigh as I looked towards the thing the sidewalk called wood. Was there really more that just the sky and the dirt? I dont think I could ever believe in more than just that. Its all just too shocking. Why were we not told about this? is it that dangerous? Who am i kidding the unknown is always dangerous. that's why we've been living like this for who knows how long. Its because were afraid.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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