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I hate the fact the we had to move and to all places America,in London we make fun of Americans like everyday because sometimes some of y'all are just so weird to us

Naira's sitting at the table writing into her journal while her mum walks in looking for something then notices her sitting down

Mum: you're really writing a lot recent. I'm happy that you're doing that but you know we're moving need to pack
Naira: I have packed
Mum: well check just in case you forgot something

Naira leaves her journal on the table and runs upstairs to her room she opens her wardrobe, sees nothing looks under her bed. She's sees nothing under the pillows, open her blinds, her old cupboards, everything she sees nothing she stands to the side of the room and surveys and says

God, this is crazy a few months ago. This was the messiest room you would've seen and now it's clean and it's so clean. I'm gonna miss it.

Naira runs downstairs with her bags while her brothers just stand there watching her struggle at the foot of the stairs

Donte: I think you should lift the other bag it'll be more easier
Naira: yeah, it will maybe if one of you help me geez
Mum: o omokunrin ni o wa gidigidi tumosi iranlọwọ arabinrin rẹ na
(you boys are very mean help your sister )
Both the boys grown and say OK. They rush towards Naira, grabbing well, snatching the bag out of her hands, making her fall down on the stairs, Naira ends up, picking herself up using the wall while staring directly at her brothers eyes while they just laugh and giggle, their mom is busy with other things and hardly notices , they all help bring the bags to the front door when they hear their dad coming in
Naira: dad are we going now?
Dad: yeah, we are in fact we have about two three hours if there's no traffic until we leave this country
Naira's dad is trying to be funny about the situation cause he knows that Naira doesn't want to leave and that she's had a lot of trouble or difficulty making friends in the past, now she finally has a good relationship with people and she's moving again destroying all her progress she's made moving her back to square one. Being the unknown girl or being the black girl or being the new girl, she hated the titles she hated having to explain to people where she's from.She hated the getting to know her better part.
Their dad comes back into the house and says

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