It's silent for a moment. Only the sounds of people breathing hardly all around. Most likely scared to death. That is until a voice speaks up

"Not to men like you," I turn to see a man stand and say.

Oh, what are you doing old man?

For Odins' sake, I'm going to have to jump in sooner than I had hoped.

"There are no men like me," Loki retorts with a grin.

"There are always men like you," the man responds.

"Look to your elder people. Let him be an example," he says as he points his scepter at the man.


I rush in just as he shoots at the man and I create a force field that causes the blue power to ricochet back to Loki.

I turn back to the man and the rest of the civilians who look up at me in awe.

I turn back to see Loki's expression of pure rage as he stands back up from ducking the blow.

He finally meets my face and I swore that for that moment. It seemed as though he dropped the facade for a moment and all I saw was the scared Loki I'd come to know very well.


I'm taken aback by his voice clear as day in my mind.

I try my best to ignore it and push him away.

"Enough Loki," I say with all the determination and confidence that was missing only a moment ago.

I will not let him see me cower.

He seemed speechless for a moment until the darkness in his eyes returned and he slowly, almost hesitantly, started lifting his spear to blast me until something comes hitting him sending him flying backward.

I notice it to be Caps shield as it ricochets back to him.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing."

I watch as Loki sees him and me and smiles widely. As if we're something amusing to witness.

Immediately after Cap got here everyone started to run and scatter away.

"The soldier," he goes chuckling before getting up with the help of his scepter. "The man out of time," he says before looking at me. "And you..."

Cap looks at me confused before focusing back on Loki and responding.

"I'm not the one who's out of time."

Nat arrives at the perfect moment in the jet and releases the gun from the jet before giving Loki a warning.

He doesn't waste another second and he shoots a surge of energy toward the jet.

She moves away in time and Steve jumps forward to attack him with his shield.

"Are you alright?" I ask quickly through the earpiece to Nat.

"Fine. Go on and do your thing," she tells me.

I turn and see that he's striking caps shield with his scepter before striking him altogether.

Just as Steve falls I don't waste a second as I shoot bolts of my energy his way. Sending him reeling back.

He looks at me with such wrath before shooting energy from the scepter toward me.

I use my teleportation to appear behind him as I blast him from the back.

Impetuous// Loki Fan fictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora