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peachyyy_jaehyunnn MOTHER <333 @arielle.jeong


elijah.jeong_ceo enjoy Chicago with eachother 💞
-peachyyy_jaehyunnn thank you dad 💗
-arielle.jeong thanks a lot sweetheart💖

sungchannn.jeong_ and what am I supposed to do with dad? He's kinda boring and refuses to go hockeying with me
-elijah.jeong_ceo WHAT?? I'll go hockeying with you this weekend
-sungchannn.jeong_ I have a game this weekend
-elijah.jeong_ceo I'll watch your game and cheer you on

"Mom, I'd like you to meet Johnny!" Jaehyun said, as he introduced Johnny to his mother. Arielle shook Johnny's hand and had a bright smile on her face. "Nice to finally meet you Johnny, I'm Arielle." "Nice to meet you Mrs. Jeong." "No need to be so formal, just call me auntie if you please." Arielle said with a smile on her face, which Johnny returned.

The difference between Jaehyun's mother alone and Johnny's parents is that Jaehyun's mother has a more relaxed spirit to herself. When Johnny asked her how she has such a bright mood, Arielle's answer surprised Johnny.

"I'm an immigrant, I moved here when I was 16 years old. Moving from South Korea to here was a new experience for me. I didn't know the language, but luckily I met my husband Elijah, whose mother was born in Connecticut and his father was an immigrant. Elijah showed me the beauty of Connecticut and that made me fall in love with him. I grew to love Connecticut and i loved Connecticut even more when I got married and had children. Raising my children was truly the best part of Connecticut. Even if it was a struggle sometimes, it was still rewarding. I don't expect much from Jaehyun and Sungchan, I just want them to be happy. If they're happy, then I'm happy."

Johnny listened carefully before softly replying. "I wish my parents were like that. They constantly put me under pressure and contradict eachother. My mother wants me to play in the NBA and pay her bills, while my dad doesn't even want me to play basketball and wants me to follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer. I studied law while I had a basketball scholarship and now I just don't know which way to go. I just wish that they would know and understand how I feel." He said with a sad look on his face. Jaehyun looked at him with sympathy and gave Johnny a kiss on his cheek

"Sometimes you just have to ignore your parents. They may say that want the best for you, but in reality they want you to become either an exact of them or a less difficult pathway to become rich. Just ignore what your dad says about your career and tell your mother that playing in the NBA is for yourself, not for her." Arielle said.

Johnny sighed softly before speaking again. "You know what, auntie? You're right, I should just ignore what they think of me. Thank you auntie." He said and Arielle gave Johnny a hug

Jaehyun was glad to see his mother and boyfriend get along

Thirst, Daddies and Nudes [JohnJae]Where stories live. Discover now