Turing point

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Draupadi's Swayambar ••••••••••••••••

"NO !!! Angaraj Karna can't participate
In this competition in the behalf of You
Crown Prince Duryodhan "
Draupadi uttered. 

Duryodhan gets angry . He's here to win
The Drupad Princess and win the kingdom,  but He's not good in terms of
Lakhsaved by arrow.  But now princess is refraining his friend to take part on the behalf .

He was about to uttered something being angry. His mama (brother of his mother) made him sit back. 

"We need to win The kingdom, if it's not by you ,let Angaraj win this for his won , we have his support already it will be in our favor as well " his mama uttered Making him calm down .

He smiled and uttered

"Fine then ,my friend will participate in this competition for his own " Duryodhan uttered Making Karna shocked. 

Karna tried to refuse first but Duryodhan signal him to play along. 


Draupadi knew Karna can win the competition and win her ,but she's in so love with prince Arjun so she can't let
Karna take participate, as long as Arjun
Hadn't reached here . She somehow need to refrain Karna from participating. 

Karna is on his way to stairs to the

"Stop ," Karna stopped again by
Draupadi's voice. 

"As long as you're a sut Putra, you can't take participate into royal gatherings "
Her words startle Karna's inner soul .

"Princess !!" He uttered.

"Don't get me wrong , but you're a sut Putra,  the fact can't be false , and as long as the society knows low cast people, can't participate into royal gatherings " Draupadi uttered again. 
Making people that are present there to gossip about . How dare Karna to came here in the first place. 

Draupadi didn't wanted to insult someone but somehow the urge to let prince Arjun to attempt the Lakhsaved she crossed the line .

Karna's heart is shattered. 

"He's a king as well stupid Princess!! How dare you refrain him from participating into this " Duryodhan uttered in anger.

"But a sut Putra can't really take participate into royal gatherings "

"How dare he entered ??"

"Even though he has Crown Prince Duryodhan beside him ,he still crossed the line "

"He shouldn't be here "

"He's a low cast after all "

Malicious comments started coming out from the crowd. 

Karna felt very humiliated. 

"But your invitation doesn't content that only people from high class can participate here ,it was clearly written who is able can take part " Karna yelled.

He couldn't take this any longer it's enough right .

"But you should know your place, you know you're a sut Putra,  and Swayambar like this is only for prince or kings , it's not for  a commoners or a low cast " Draupadi replied. 

"I'm king too " Karna replied. 

"Even though you are but you'll still remains sut Putra no matter what !! Your cast will never gonna change ,
So it's better for you to leave before you got yourself into more humiliation " Draupadi uttered and turned her face away. 

Karna's grip on his bow tighten and he made his way outside the palace.......


He was walking ideally and reached towards a big tree .
He  let out his tears He's been holding for too long .

"Why ???? Why ???? Why the humiliation, insult centered around me !!!!! I also wanted a normal life !!!
I never done anything bad to anyone still me ???? Why God why ??? Can't you see my pain , are you that heartless!!!!!"

Karna yelled out of his lungs. 

"I just want to escape from here , I want to go to a place,  where I won't be humiliated,  judged,  insulted,  where there at least will be one woman to love me infinity " he uttered while sobbing. 

'Granted '

Suddenly he heard a word before he can even understand what does the word mean . There occurs a explosion. Then everything covered with bright light

He closed his face with his arms .

After he felt the light be off . He removed his arms but ............

Karna's pov.................

"Where am I? What's this place ?" I Mumbled seeing completely different place where I was standing a while ago .

Some girls are dancing.  But there clothes!!! Why do men and women are wearing strange clothes.  Why men are not wearing any kind of jewelleries. 

Why woman are showing this much skin   . Am I in the wrong place .

Suddenly someone bumped onto me

The woman was about to fall so I have to hold her .  She looked me in my eyes .

As I'd she's trying to find something.  Her eyes . Mostly charming and impressive. 

We were holding each other for long someone called her just by then .

"Krisha !!!"

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