Chapter 7

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A/N: I promise. I am working on this story. However, I have been working on others more. If you want me to update this before I actually do, feel free to tell me to update, but please give me about three days to do so.




I stared at her with wide eyes and my mouth agape, shocked. "Uhhh... what?" I asked, wondering if I heard her right.

The female sighed and shook her head. She didn't look annoyed with me being slow, and I had a feeling she knew that I hadn't gotten that much sleep for the past couple of weeks. "My name is Farley," she explained, finally. "I am the one that Red wanted you to contact to get your pills."

I blinked and blinked again while I processed that information. "So, you know Red," I said. It was a statement more than a question, but it was a question nevertheless because I had never met someone else who knew him.

"Yes." She nodded.


Farley smiled sadly and shook her head. Sadness and annoyance filled her eyes, and I had a feeling that she wanted to tell me but couldn't because of the orders that she was given. "Can't say," she said, confirming my suspicions. "Unfortunately, I have my orders, too."

My heart sank, but I tried to make sure that she couldn't tell that I was disappointed, even though I had a feeling it was written on my face because her gaze grew softer. "From Red?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Farley's smile grew softer, and she nodded. "Yes," she confirmed. She cleared her throat and shifted in her seat while she grew serious. "There are others that have orders over me and Red, but I can not say who."

I slowly nodded and furrowed my brows. "Will I ever know?" I asked, my voice still barely above a whisper, and she nodded. "Do you know when?"

Farley shrugged and grimaced. "I wish I knew," she apologized, "but unfortunately, I don't." She cleared her throat and licked her lips while she looked around before she looked at me again. "Do you want to be with my cousin?" she asked, changing the subject, and from her gaze, I knew that she wanted me to go with this conversation instead of the one we found ourselves on.

I grimaced and shrugged while I looked at my hands, not knowing how I was going to answer that question. My whole face turned red, and I cleared my throat while I looked anywhere but her, not knowing what to say. "I don't know..." I said finally before trailing off, "but he doesn't want me, so..."

Again, I shrugged, and my grimace deepened while I looked at her. "What does it matter about what I want or don't want?"

"A lot," Farley replied while she dipped her head, and I snorted and rolled my eyes because I had no idea why she thought what I wanted would matter. "I am serious," she defended herself and her answer. "It does matter a lot if you want him or not. I know that it doesn't look that way right now, but I know it does."

I looked at my hands and shrugged, not meeting her piercing gaze. "I want to be with him," I said, my voice barely above a whisper while I answered her truthfully. "However, I know that's not going to be possible, especially if Stone has his way with it."

"You can't get rid of him, can you?" she asked, and I hesitated but nodded. "But you want to, yes?"

"Of course I do," I said, deciding that I could be open to her like I was with my best friend. "I want to get out of the pack that I am in. I want to be able to shift and not get looked at weirdly because of what my wolf looks like. I want to be free from him and find my mate and love him. I want to be loved and respected, and I'm not in my pack."

"So you have shifted, yes?" Fairly asked, and I nodded. She bit her lip and furrowed her brows while she thought of something. "When was the last time you had shifted?" she asked and looked at me, concerned.

I sighed and moved a hand across my face before I shook my head. "Only at sixteen," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "Our pack usually gathers around on the person's birthday when they first shift, and for some reason, I was no different."

"Is that when they started to look at you weirdly?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, and I nodded in confirmation.

"After that, the Alpha asked me not to shift and looked very apologetic about me shifting in front of people, so I didn't."

"But you feel the urge to?"

I hesitated before I nodded and looked away from her. "Red's pills have dampened my wolf so that I don't feel it that much, but there have been times when I have had the urge to shift but knew that I couldn't."

"So Red knows that you haven't shifted and is fine with it?"

"Yes," I confirmed and nodded.

Farley frowned but slowly nodded. Worry flashed through her eyes, and I blinked, surprised that she was worried about me. "Are you able to contact her?" she asked, talking about my wolf.

I shrugged and looked down, not able to meet her gaze. "I have been able to a bit," I replied honestly. "I mean, I have felt her emotions and what not after I was told to stop shifting, but that is about it."

She slowly nodded and pressed her lips into a thin line. "What if you are in trouble?" she asked. "Do you think you will be able to shift then?"

I shrugged again. "Don't know," I replied. "I am able to fight, even though I don't look like it, but I don't know if I will be able to shift."

Again, Farley nodded. "Does Red know?" she asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," I replied and nodded. "He has apologized that he couldn't help with that while I was at my pack. I am not sure if I can do anything here, but..." I grimaced and shrugged. "I don't want to try unless it's been deemed safe."

She nodded and stayed silent.

"That is understandable," she said and cleared her throat while she grew serious. "If I am able to find you a safe place to shift, would you like to shift?"

I hesitated but nodded. "Make sure that Red is fine with it," I said. "I don't want you to get hurt."

Farley smiled a little and nodded, amused. "I will make sure that he is fine with it first before I give you information," she said, and I had a feeling that she knew that I didn't want her to get into trouble with him.

I bit back a sigh of relief and nodded again. "I don't want you to get into trouble with him," I admitted out loud, and she chuckled and nodded.

"I know," she replied. She cleared her throat and grew serious. "Now, what do you want me to do about my cousin?" she asked and raised an eyebrow.

I grimaced and shrugged. "I don't know," I replied before I moved a hand through my hair and shook my head. "I don't know what to do anymore. All I know is that I won't be able to get away from the pack I am in. They won't let me."

Farley cocked her head and studied me. "Do you want to get away from them?" she asked, and I nodded in confirmation.

"With all my heart."

She smiled and dipped her head. "Then I will find a way to get you away from them."

I squashed the hope that wanted to appear in my chest while I stared at her, my eyes wide. "Promise?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Please, say yes, I silently prayed. Please.

She bowed and submitted, and my heart grew warm with relief and happiness, making me sit a little taller with pride. "I promise, Luna," she said. "I promise that one day you will be away from him and the pack. You have my word."

In the Cover of the Blood Red MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora