Attack On Hydra

Depuis le début

Felicia listened silently all the while, sitting next to me, holding my hand. At the end she sighed, "I...I guess I understand why you wanted to do this alone, but Peter," she slapped my up the head, "you were planning on breaking into someone's house and you didn't even think of asking me?!"

I rubbed my head sheepishly, "sorry. But," I ran to my desk and grabbed a black cardboard box and gave it to her, "I got you a gift."

She opened it and grinned at the sight of two expensive looking black leather boots with silver lining along the side. "Okay, I guess I can forgive you." she giggled.

I smiled, but slowly I remembered the reason I felt so guilty, why I insisted on buying the most expensive pair of boots Tony could find. Why I nearly went broke buying them. Jessica Drew.

I shouldn't tell her, I know this, but lying to her isn't how one keeps a relationship stable, I know that for a fact. I took a deep breath and sighed, "Felicia, there's...something else."

Felicia looked worried, "what?"

"When I was in Wyndham's place I....I ran into this girl," I paused, "she was like me."

"Like you? What do you mean?"

I looked at her, "she had the same powers I have. She's also the one whose powers I obtained," I sent a spark out off my fingertips, showing her my blue bio-electricity.

"She has spider powers?!" Felicia looked amazed.

I nodded, "yeah. She could climb walls, fast, strong, and I think...I think she can do the pheromones thing as well, and...go a step above."

Felicia narrowed her eyes, "what do you mean?"

"She can control the pheromones of other people," I admitted, "make them angry, sad, happy...and I think we might have been affected by it."


I blushed, "she ah, she kind of kissed me," Felicia raised one silver eyebrow, "I didn't kiss her back! I swear! She kissed me and I was like completely shocked and then I don't know happened her powers must have gone haywire or something because the next thing I know she's trying to strip me and I was out of it!"

"So...what you're saying is she drugged you?"

I winced, "yeah...please don't be mad, I didn't really want to."

She was silent, silent for a long time. She looked up me with hate filled eyes, "did you kiss her back?"

"No, never," I felt broken inside, in this entire life my relationship with Felicia is the one thing I knew I could say was mine. Everything else Peter could have done on his own, everything, but her? She was the one choice I made because I actually fell for her. The only one, and to see her go, I don't think-

Felicia got up, I was scared stiff, I prayed she wasn't going to leave. She walked up to me, I begged God, the One above all, Stan Lee, anyone who was listening to make her stay. And suddenly I found her arms wrapped around me and her head resting on my shoulders.

"I'm not going to leave you because some Italian bitch kissed you Peter," she whispered, "did you really think I would do that?"

I couldn't help it, I felt relief wash over me, forcing tears of joy to blur my vision as I wrapped my arms around her, "losing you is something I don't think I can live with Felicia. Never you. I can quit being Spider-man before that."

Felicia didn't say a thing, she knew I didn't want her pity, just her forgiveness. She rubbed my back and held onto her tight. I was acting like a child, I knew it, but for her, I would play the fool for all my life if the need be.

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