vi. girls, girls, boys

Start from the beginning

She approached the table and squeezed in between Ashely and Ryland. Ryland had scooted over with a roll of her eyes, already annoyed by Brooke's presence.

"Hi, friends." Brooke looked around then turned to Ashely, "I want to make it up to you, so how does a college party sound? Peyton's coming."

Ashely sat there with a frown thinking for a moment before speaking, "Can Ryland come?"

Ryland leaned forward to look at Ashely, she began to mouth the word no over and over. Ashely just ignored her as Brooke continued to talk.

Brooke annoyingly sighed.

"Sure." The burnette passed her friend a smile then turned to Ryland with a fake smile. Brooke soon got up from the table and went to go find Peyton while everyone else continued to talk amongst themselves.

As Ryland was already dreading the party they were going to go that night, her eyes wandered around landing on Jake. He had been avoiding her all day and that kept growing her a bit more annoyed and angry.

Her eyes lingered on him as whatever conversation that was going on slowly muffled in her ears. It's like she was going through a trance as she stared at him. She thought she was being subtle, then he connected eyes with her. Ryland quickly fell out of her trance, her eyes blinking a few times before seeing that Jake was gesturing with his head to follow him.

So Ryland got up, telling her friends that she'll be back before going to find Jake. After wandering the halls for a minute or two, she finally found him in an empty classroom. He was standing by the window, looking out as she opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind her.

"You finally going to tell me the truth?" She slowly approached him.

He stayed, staring out the window, "How was I supposed to tell my girlfriend that I have a kid?"

Her eyes softened. They didn't grow angry. She was still confused of why he didn't say anything, "I would've understood. I could've helped."

He shook his head as he turned to face her, "That's not your job."

She walked closer to him, "What's their name?"

He stepped forward as well, "Her name's Jenny."

She closed the gap even smaller, "Well, I'd like to meet her sometime."

"I'm so sorry for not being open about this." He simply shrugged, "I just wasn't ready."

"You don't need to apologize." She mumbled.

The two were so close, inches away. It was almost like they were going to kiss. Staring into each other's eyes, not saying a word. Ryland didn't know what she wanted in that moment and neither did Jake but before anything like that could happen, the bell rang.

"Looks like that's our cue." Jake spoke softly.

"Looks like. . "

With a little smile, Jake walked passed her and out the classroom. And after a deep, deep sigh, Ryland finally left the classroom as well to head to her next class.

• • •

It was after school hours, Peyton and Brooke were getting changed in Peyton's room for the college party while ryland and Ashely were getting ready at Ashely's house. The plan was that Peyton would swing by and pick up the girls and that's exactly what happened within the next thirty minutes.

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