Birthday R&R: A Conversation with Ramon

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"You comfortable?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she was comfortable in his arms. "Of course, I am baby, no need to worry about that." After which, Gabby turned her attention back to the conversation that she was having with her father over the phone. "I can only assume that my grandsons aren't nearby? Sorry I'm not there on your birthday mija. But I thought you'd be back in Hawaii for it." Gabby sighed as she heard her father say that, as this is not exactly how she would've liked to share the news that she has for him. "Well, that's the thing that. We might not be back in Hawaii for a while." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before grabbing her hand and kissing her forehead again. "Oh, is there a reason for that?" Ramon then decided to say something in Spanish, with the hopes of Matt not understanding. "¿Está todo bien entre tú y Matt?" (Is everything okay between you and Matt?) Understanding that phrase, Matt proceeded to answer for Gabby. "Ramon, I promise that everything's okay." Ramon seemed shocked.

"You understood that?" Matt laughed. "Ramon, Camila lives with us. I pick up on Spanish based on how my wife responds to some of the questions that she asks her, right?" Ramon then understood that, it clearly making sense. "Right, that makes sense. But the question still stands." Gabby sighed. "Dad, everything's fine. I'm just a bit under the weather." Ramon felt bad about that. "I'm sorry sweetie. Has it been something that you've been dealing with for a while?" Gabby smiled. "Well, it's more like something that I'm going to be dealing with for a couple months. But it's going to be worth it." Ramon was a bit confused as he heard his daughter say that, before starting to understand what she was trying to say. "¿Estás embarazada de nuevo?" (Are you pregnant again?) Gabby was surprised when she heard her father say that, shocked that he would already assume that. "How in the world did you guess that right away?" Ramon laughed. "Because that's the only thing that I could think of. Wow, so another set of twins?" Gabby got nervous.

Turning his head, Matt ran his fingers through her hair to give her comfort; kissing her forehead afterwards, Matt whispered to her. "Hey, we have no idea that's going to be the case Gabby. Take a breath and just relax for me, okay baby?" Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that, who then turned to speak to Ramon. "Ramon, we aren't sure yet; and the truth is, we're hoping that it's not twins. If it is twins, we'd be okay with it; but I'm not sure if it'd be the healthiest thing if she got pregnant with twins again." Ramon agreed with his son-in-law when he said that, well aware that would be the case. "Right, of course. My apologies to you both." Matt agreed with Ramon when he said that, before watching as Andy got on their bed with them; after which, he went ahead and laid down next to Gabby. Putting her hand on his head, Gabby smiled as she proceeded to rub it. "You want me to lay down some more Gabby?" Gabby shook her head. "Not yet. Right now, we're talking to my dad." Matt agreed with his wife as he held her close to him.

"So, what are you guys doing? Because I thought you guys we're going to be coming back here to Hawaii later this year, when it starts to get colder." Matt sighed as he heard Ramon say that, before turning to look at Gabby. "He's your dad." Gabby agreed with her husband when he told her that, well aware that was the case. "What does Matt mean by 'he's your dad' mija?" Gabby took a breath. "He means that it's my job to tell you some news that we have for you." Ramon agreed with is daughter. "More news?" Gabby sighed as she proceeded to tell her father. "Me and Matt have been re-thinking as to where we're going to be living. And uhm..." Kissing the side of Gabby's head, Matt proceeded to whisper to her. "You can do this baby." Gabby agreed with Matt. "We think that it'd be better if we live in California instead of Hawaii, as it makes things easier for business. If Matt needs to go to New York, he can get back to California the next day; and he can leave for shorter times, than having to go for an extra day than required." Her father agreed. "Well, that makes complete sense when I actually take a minute to think about it." Gabby agreed with her father, smiling.

"Thanks dad, it means a lot to me that you understand." Ramon snickered as he heard Gabby say that. "Gabby, you have no need to thank me. I want you guys to do whatever's best for the sake of your children." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife when she said that, smiling due to the fact that he was really happy that they were having a nice conversation with her father at the moment. After all, that's exactly what the husband and father always wants when it comes to the conversations that they have with family; he wants them to be easy, and he wants them to be very relaxing. "And that includes my grandsons. By the way, I've been meaning to ask; I would love it if I could get some updated pictures of Matteo and Noah." Gabby agreed with her father when he told her that, well aware that's the case. Moving to use her phone, Gabby smiled as she proceeded to send to send her father some pictures of Matteo and Noah; some pictures that the grandfather is more than happy to receive. "What do you think of those pictures dad?" Ramon was confused. "What are you talking about mija?" Matt laughed. "Look at your text messages Ramon."


The grandfather just finished looking at his text messages, before noticing just why his son-in-law told him to look at them; and boy was the grandfather happy that he looked at the pictures, because he got a really nice set of updated pictures of his grandsons. "Oh boy, they certainly are growing since I last saw them." Gabby smiled as she heard her father say that, as she most definitely agreed with her father when he said that. "Oh they sure have. I am so glad that they are growing, because they are so adorable. And it sure does give me a hand when it comes to my business." Ramon laughed a bit when he heard Gabby say that, well aware of the fact that his daughter is creating her own fashion line. "How's that coming along anyways? Did you make any designs recently?" Matt looked at his wife when he asked her that, the husband wanting his wife to relax as much as possible. "Baby." Turning her head, Gabby sighed. "Matt, he's my father. He's allowed to ask me about my business, just like you would let your mother ask you questions."

Matt agreed with his wife as she told him that, as that's most definitely the truth. "I know." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, before smiling as she put her hand on his; after which, she intertwined their fingers as they both cuddled up to each other. And let's just say that it's absolutely perfect. I mean, what's better than the feeling of her sitting in bed with the man she loves. That's when she decided to get up some more, as she wants Matt to slip over in bed; that way, she'll have the ability to sit in his lap. "I want to sit in your lap as we cuddle up to each other." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, before moving close to her. He then leaned back against their pillows as he sat in the middle of the bed, exactly where Gabby wanted him to sit; after which, she crawled into his lap and then cuddled up to him as she sat in between his legs. Leaning back against his chest, Gabby smiled as they held each other close. Wrapping his arm around Gabby shortly after she sat down in his lap, Matt smiled as he wrapped his arm around her body.

Kissing her shoulder, Matt smiled due to the fact that he's very comfortable. "So, you want to know about my business dad?" Ramon agreed. "What's with all the moving anyways?" Gabby laughed. "Don't worry dad, I was just moving into Matt's lap; we're sitting in bed." That's when Ramon realized something. "Oh, are the boys asleep?" Matt shook his head. "No, they're with family. Gabby isn't feeling good, so we're resting in bed." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that. "I was just moving into Matt's lap to cuddle up to him." Ramon agreed with his daughter when she said that, well aware of the fact that she likes to cuddle up to her husband; after all, he's seen it firsthand. "Well, I'm glad that you're comfortable." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling as she just relaxed in his arms; at the same time, she and Matt both continued to speak to her father on the occasion of her birthday.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن