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The fire devoured from the inside out, preying on anything it could get its claws attached to.
She burned from dusk to dawn and only ashes of who she used to be remained.
Her insides were infested with burnt hope, she found it hard to breath everyday because every breathe she took and every word she spoke would only give the fire more footing to take over.
It began breathing through her lungs, growing according to her heart beat and moving forward with every step she took.
It was painful being her, with every move she'd make the fire only get fiercer and scream through her words.
The burning and her moves were fire and gunpowder when they met they exploded.
She exploded a bit more everyday
And sometimes people wondered and asked  why she never spoke or get up from her knees every now and then. It was because she knew what would happen and dreaded the heated consequences.
Sometimes she'd feel like crying, but why wouldn't she ever do it ? Have you ever tried crying, and instead of salty cold tears, lava like particles would fall down her scared cheeks.
Some sympathize with her and say it must be painful going through that. But what did she said? She said it was like hell taking residence in you. Can you imagine burning from morning to night and not seizing to exist. Your lungs burn away, your soul turns to nothing, your hope is locked away in a cage hovering over the lake of fire. The pit gets hotter your steps become heavier, and there seems to be no way of cooling the heat.
But she meets a boy, a boy that saves her life. And is the only one that has the key that fits all her locks. This key is carried through a kiss from her to him and him to her. As their lips meet there is a calming breathe that is passed into her lungs, its the only thing that can cool the the fire in her lungs, that can creep into the dungeon and free her hope that hovers over the lake of fire where her fear is set a light.
It frees her hope and sets it on a path of brass outlined with gold. All she needs is one last kiss, the kiss of life.
But unfortunately life life isn't meant for everyone, days turned into week which turned into months, then years and he never returned. Every passing day had another stone to add onto her pile, this pile eventually consumed her and all that remained were blood stained memories

Hello there thank you for gracing my poem with your time I appreciate it and if there are any parts you'd like me to change tell me and I'll happily do so.
P.S there's more to come

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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