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Chapter 1: Gru, the villian

In one desert, where three pyramids stood by, there's one goat hoarder walking in the sandy desert. He called the mountains goat who quickly follow him. As he soon see the three pyramids he stood by with pride and stared at the three pyramids. But UNFORTUNATELY his little pride and joy moments ended when suddenly a tourist van, who have a load of suit case in the its roof, rudely passed by him, not even stopping if he was okay, he yelp in shock and fall in the ground. He stand up and cough as he look at the van with annoyed look.


Inside the van there was a little boy with spiky orange hair wearing a black t-shirt with skull design in it and black short with black sunglasses in his eyes. He is playing at the toy airplane when he notice the pyramids, he stop and pressed his face in the window as he stared in wonder.

Not long after the van stop and the tourist start coming out in the van. Including a big man with blue undershirt and red and white strip. The kid start to get out but stop by a red leash. But it doesn't stop him, he continue to run in excitement despite the leash, the last one came out is a woman have blond hair wearing a red button shirt with flowers design in it and white pants. The woman, turns out to be mom of the kid, try to hold the handle to stop his hyper child.

"Justin!" The tourist mom snapped making Justin to stop.

"Quick honey, take my picture! I
got the pyramid in my hand!" The tourist dad said. The Tourist Dad stands with the Pyramid in the background, holding out his hand so it looks like he's holding it. The Tourist Mom smile and held up the camera and snaps a couple of pictures, unknowing Justin just snapped the collar attach in his body, when through her viewfinder she sees Justin running off into the distance.


"Justin you get back here, right
now!" The tourist mom shouted but Justin was no intention to listen. As if the kid eat little TOO much sugar and continue to run off while holding his toy plane. Justin crawl the rope-offed as the security guard notice him.

"No stop!"

"No stop him! Do not cross the
line! No!"

"Go back! Stop! Stop him!"

The two security guard panic before following Justin. Justin just too busy playing at his airplane to listen to them.

The Egyptian Security guards run after him as he is running up some rickety looking maintenance scaffolding. As soon they reach him they try to be easy as Justin standing close to edge.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Hold on,
easy little boy." One Egyptian Security guards said.

Justin turns back to look at the guards. He obliviously keeps playing with his little toy airplane. Making him walk in the edge.

"Okay, stop child! Stop right there!
No!" The Egyptian Security guard said as they panic and worried as Justin keep backing off in the edge of scaffolding.

He gasp as he slips and falls off of the ridge, plummeting headfirst toward
the Pyramid. The two security guards run towards him try to catch him but too late.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no! Oh...
there he goes..." The security said as he stared at the fallen boy. The tourist mom gasp as she saw her son falling in the pyramid. But surprisingly that he ACTUALLY bounce in the pyramid, in tourist mom's confusion.

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