Chapter 10

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"Leave their problems with us of course."

Nina woke up her my room but she was burning hot. Not like usual, she was sweating hot, and her vision was still a bit blurry. Her head and her ribs were throbbing of pain, Nina groaned in pain as her vision came back.

"Did you hear that?!? That came from Nina's room."
Nina heard Embry's voice, as well as thumping coming up the stairs.

"Wait, I wanna see her. Embr-"
Jared's voice got cut off. The door opens making her turn her head a bit, wincing as she did.

"Nina... hey, how much does it hurt right now?"
Embry comes to Ninas right, Jared on her left sides of her bed. Nina smile softly at Embry as he grabs her hand and she holds onto it loosely.

"It feels like I'm on fire and my head and ribs feel like it's throbbing."
Nina answers honestly and Embry rubs her knuckles gently.

"It should only last about a week, thank god for fast healing."
Jared tells me and she turn her head to look at him slowly.

"Did you guys get her?"
Nina asks and Jared lowers his head.

"No, uh she ran passed the treaty line so we couldn't follow her."
Jared tells her almost debating on even telling her that.

"Shit, after I'm better I'll go try and catch her scent."
Nina tells them but they immediately shake their heads.

"You died for a few minutes, I can't let you go through that again."
Embry says worriedly, Nina's eyes widen.

"I died?"
She asks looking at Embry with a wince.

"Yeah... if you want to go look for her I'll go with you and so will Embry."
Jared answers Nina.

"Where's Sam? Usually he's here when someone in the pack gets hurt."
Nina asks, Embry clears his throat.

"He's having a hard time after seeing you... yeah. He thinks it's all his fault for telling you to attack the leech, because he was just mad that the redhead said she hurt Emily."
Embry explains and Nina had a hurt look on her face.

"It's not his fault, can you tell him that I want to see him. Is he here?"
She asked them, Embry nods before looking at Jared.

"Go get him from downstairs. I'll watch her, and if Sam doesn't listen get Paul to help you drag him up here."
Jared tells Embry actually sounding serious. Embry nods kissing Ninas hand before heading downstairs.

"What happened that made me die?"
She asks looking up at the ceiling.

"You hit your head on the tree, caused you to pass out. Your ribs broke and it cut a vein which caused you to bleed internally. You died for seven minutes, been asleep for three days. Five ribs are broken, six stitches inside and outside on your left abdomen, and a severe concussion."
Jared tells her his voice wavering.

"I couldn't get that out of my head since Billy told me after he helped you. I can't get the sight of your eyes going black as you let out a last whine, then Embry let out a howl loudly... that's when I knew you were gone. Sam, Jake and I followed his howl, then Sam told me that me and him had to go chase that stupid leech and Embry had to run you to Billy's while Jake helped Billy get ready for you."
Jared explains everything and a few tears escape his eyes and Nina takes a hold of his hand.

The door creaks open and Sam is standing there, eyes bloodshot red. As soon as he sees Nina his eyes get tears in them, shaking his head he tries to turn to head out the door but Embry and Paul block his way. Sam turns back to Nina gulping. He slowly approaches her.

Nina says and Sam hums.

"It's not your fault."
She reassures him, Sam shakes his head, jaw trembling.

"Yeah it was. I was mad about what that leech said, I wasn't thinking straight. I made you get yourself into situation that I knew was a fifty-fifty chance of you ending up here."
Sam sits down next to Nina not looking her in the eyes.

"Sam, I'm okay. I'll be healed in a week, all my wounds will be healed. We did think impulsively but it was for our reserve, that's what we do. Don't be so hard on yourself, it wasn't your fault."
She defends him trying to look in his eyes but Sam just keeps his eyes on the floor.

"You didn't see what we saw, Nina. Your eyes went black, I heard you take your last breath and all my mind could think of 'I made the worst decision of my life'. Every memory with you flashed threw my mind at a thousand miles an hour as Embry ran with you bringing you here. I couldn't think of how to get that redhead, all I wanted to do was breakdown and I couldn't get you off my mind. 'I killed her' ran threw my head at least a hundred times."
Sam broke down pacing the room with his hands on his head. Nina had tears pouring down her eyes.

"I'm okay now, everything is gonna be okay. That leech will come back and we gotta have a plan for when she does."
Nina diverts the conversation back to the vampire. Sam nods sitting back down in the chair, Paul and Embry sat on the end of Nina's bed.

"Swan and Cullens left town."
Paul tells her and she immediately rolls her eyes.

"Leave their problems with us of course."
Nina grumbles.

"The treaty says that we can't kill on their side right?"
Nina asks hinting to them the tiniest bet. Everyone in the room nods.

"Where are you going with this? We can't get the redhead in Forks."
Sam tells her with his arms crossed.

"Every time we try to get that leech she runs to Forks side. Half of our pack camps out and do shifts near the edge of the land then she picks up our sent, we run her to our side where the other half will be and we surround her."
Nina suggests thinking that would be their best bet. Sam looks at the floor thinking the plan through.

"That could work. Cullens our out of town, this could work Nina."
Sam smiled widely and Nina followed his actions.

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