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October 27th, 1984

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October 27th, 1984

"oh please, all i'm saying is you don't need to have a decent excuse to throw a party." Brea Barry said into the yellow house phone, her back leaning against the kitchen counter.

"my parents aren't back til the 2nd, plenty of time for a Halloween party." The 17 year old suggested with a sly little smile.

"Eddie, I don't care. Play your little game some other time." Brea said with a roll of her hazel eyes. The teen pulling the phone away from her ear as her friend went on a little ramble about Dungeons and Dragon's being a lifestyle not a little game.

"Please come, you're one of my best friends...I- Eddie, I don't care! It's my party, if anyone kicks off i'll kick them out, I did karate for 4 months, I know a few things."

Once again, Brea rolled her eyes at some witty comment Eddie made on the other side of the phone with a smile.

"Perfect! let's get sheet faced!" Brea cheered enthusiastically as her best friend mumbled his confirmation of attendance.

The handle to the front door rattled causing Brea to jump up from her leaning position.

"See you tomorrow, gotta go, bye!" She slammed the phone back onto the slot on the wall and jumped onto the sofa, just as the door opened.

"Hey baby, what you still doing up?" Marianne Barry asked her only child, dropping her handbag on the chair next to Brea, the elder woman leaned over and kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"Oh, I couldn't sleep so I thought i'd put a film on." Brea lied, causing her father to look at the blank television screen.

"interesting choice in movie." Mateo Barry replied as her rubbed his daughter's head.

"How was the club?" Brea asked her folks, trying to change the conversation. It was known throughout Hawkins that the Barry Family were a perfectly respected, wealthy family within the community.

Marianne owned a shop specialising in creams and serums made from natural herbs. Some of the ladies of Hawkins jokingly call her a White Witch because her products always worked magic.

Meanwhile, Mateo Barry was a very successful lawyer. He had never once lost a case and people from all over America would call him to get him to defend them in court, This being a reason Brea's parents were out of town a lot.

"Ok my lovely parents, I'm gonna go to bed." Brea said as she stood up from the sofa, grabbing the copy of Vogue from the coffee table.

"Thought you we're watching a film Bee." Mateo asked, brow arched.

"Oh i'm beat, see you in the morning!" Brea gave both her parents a kiss on the cheek before she left the room.

glancing down at the magazine, she saw the bright green, yellow and orange invitations to her Halloween party poking out the side.

"Let's get sheet faced...I like it." Brea grinned to herself before making a beeline to her bedroom.

AN- just a little chapter to get to know some of the characters, what do you think?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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