Always in my mind, Forever in my heart (1)

Start from the beginning

Noon was cuddling up to me and layed his head on my bump, which made me smile. Since I became pregnant, he was kinda overprotective over me, almost like Tom was. If you could compare the way how my dog cares over me with how my husband does, of course.

,,I ordered pizza, your favourite." Tom said as he rolled into the room. I smiled thankfully and patted next to me on the couch, so he carefully moved from the wheelchair to the couch and cuddled up next to me.

We agreed on a Harry Potter movie marathon and soon we could forget our problems for a small time period, cuddling with each other and eating our pizza.

5 days later I was once again sleepless in our bed.  The nights were the hardest for me. Worries and thoughts kept creeping up inside me. Like the one and only question I asked myself, since that day 10 months ago:
How will I be able to live without him? How will I make this work all alone? Just, How?

In addition, our daughter kept me awake with her kicks lately. I layed my hands on my bumb and occasionately smiled, feeling her kicks and whispering to her. It calmed me downa bit.

I gently turned to the side and watched Tom sleeping. 

He was so tired lately.

I was glad he could sleep and forget about everything and the pain for a while but also.. I was afraid every day.

That this would be the morning he would no longer wake up from this sleep.

Maybe this was also a reason I couldn't really sleep when he was asleep.

But seing him so peacfully made me smile though. I stroke him gently over the cheek and then cuddled up to him, as close as I could with huge bump between us.

I turned to my back again and starred at the ceiling, feeling my baby girls kicks again.

A few minutes passed till I suddenly felt pain in my lower abdomen. It was like the little contractions I've had over the last 2 weeks, but this time a lot more painful.

I shut the eyes in pain and breathed through the contraction.

It stopped, for maybe 2 minutes, and then I felt it even more painful.

I sat up and held my bump, breathing heavy.

,,Fuuuck.." I gritted through my teeth. Then I felt it.

I sat on a wet bedsheet.

My water.. she broke. Fuck.

I surpressed the urge to scream when the next wave of pain hit me.

,,Love..what's wrong?" Tom tiredly asked and lifted his head from the pillow, just to see me crunching in pain.

,,Daya?!" He slowly but immediately sat up and looked worringly at me. I just groaned in pain.

,,Tom.. my water broke.. and I'm having contractions every 2 or 3 minutes..we.." I breathed.

,,-we need to get to the hospital. Imma call your mom and Darnell and an ambulance." he reacted quickly, got into his wheelchair, helped me stand up from the bed and we slowly walked into our living room.

10 minutes later the ambulance and my mom was there and we drove to the hospital.

,,Tom.. I can't do this.. I just can't.. I can't do this.. Tom noo..fuck.." I screamed in pain, 5 hours later in the delivery room. I've been pushing for what if felt hours now. I was at the end of my strenght.

,,Babe, you can. Of course you can. You're so strong. Cmon! You can do this!" he resured me like  every time.

,,Tom I'm in so much pain.. fuuck.. no.. I can't.. I can't do this.." I cried, tears streaming down my face.

He took my hand again and kissed my forehead. ,,You are the strongest woman I know, You can do this, love. I am so proud of you! Please, just a few more pushs, then we can hold our little daughter and all this pain is over. I love you. Please, love, You can do this!" Tom said, looking deep into my eyes and kissing my hand over and over.

I shut my eyes and took all my strenght to push again. I was so dizzy.

I screamed in pain again and I squeezed his hand so tight that I was afraid to break his bones.

But honestly, who brought up the idea of women having children?

,,You're almost there, Mrs Holland, I can see the head, now one last push! You can do this!" The midwife said and I nodded, breathing heavy.

,,Fuck." I screamed when the most painful contraction hit me and I started to push.

,,Thomas Stanley Holland, next time you're delivering the baby! Fuck!"

I pushed with everything I had in me, then, suddenly, the pain was gone.

A high pitched, but beautiful little cry filled the room.

,,Congratulations, here is your little daughter. Well done!" the midwife gave me a little baby, wrapped in a pink cloth, in my arms.

My baby. Our daughter.

I cried, but now out of joy.

Looking at her, I immediately felt the hormones again and all the love I had already for her  increased immeasurably now.

All the pain was now forgotten.

She was beautiful. And insanetily cute.

,,Hello.. hello my little sweetheart." I cried, fascinated by her.

,,Daya, she is flawless." I heard Tom whsipering to me while kissing me and giving our baby his little finger.

She immediately wrapped her small hand around it and I looked at Tom. He was crying as well.

,,We made it. We made it, Tommy." I smiled happily.

,,You made it, darling. I am so so proud of you. I love you. So much." He said and kissed me again. ,,She is so beautiful. Just like her mom."

I quietly laughed. ,,She has your eyes. And your nose."

He nodded and we both just watched our baby.

It was right. She looked like Tom when he was a baby. Although, she had a darker skin tone. And a few dark curls on her head.

The perfect mix of me and Tom.

,,I love you, Tom." I said and we shared a gentle kiss.

,,Do you already have her name picked out?" the midwife asked, while smiling at our happiness.

Tom and me nodded and looked first at our baby, then to each other.

,,Eleanor Holland. Eleanor Chloe Holland. Because we never lost hope and now, we're here. Holding her in our arms."

,,Chloe means hope, a new life." Tom explained to our midwife, who was writing the name down.

,,Beautiful name." She nodded.

,,Well then, welcome to our world, Eleanor Chloe Holland." I said and gave her a gentle kiss on her head.

,,We love you more than you can even imagine."

Hi guyyss... so I'm kinda feeling bad for posting this sad piece on Dayas birthday, but hey, the end was not sad anymore, right?

Anyway, there will be a Part 2 though, cs it would have been to long to post this in One Part.

I hope you like this one (and got a few tears while reading it, I sure did) you can always give me ur feedback <3

Love y'all, I'm working on the second part. <3

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