"What a pain! The desert has way too many sandstorms!" Luffy yells over the wind, holding his straw hat down so it wouldn't get blown away.

"I forgot to mention this before, but sandstorms are one of the many dangers of the desert!"


When the sandstorm finally dies down, the bare minimum was left of their campsite. Their tents and supplies had either been scattered by the wind or buried by the sand.

Saki sits up, not-too-gently pushing Ace off of her. Everyone seems to be ok.

"What the hell was that...?" Zoro groans as he sits upright. The bastard had slept through it all.

"You good, Sa-chan?"

Saki nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. You?"

Ace grins widely. "I'm good!"

'Fuck...I hate sand...'

'Sand is not good for my blade.'

'Don't worry, I'll clean you up once we leave Alabasta.'

'I feel gross.'

'Can you even feel gross?'

'Shut up, asshole.'

"Oi, Sanji! Let's eat our bento! Pirate Bento!" Luffy calls out cheerfully.

"Not yet! Not until Vivi-chan says so," Sanji replies.

"Vivi!" Luffy walks up to the princess as the group continues to trudge through the desert. "Let's have our bento! I'm out of strength!"

"But we're still only one-tenth of the way to Yuba, Luffy-san," Vivi states with a frown.

"Aren't you being foolish?" Luffy's voice gets comically serious as he peers up at the princess. "Haven't you heard the saying, 'If you're hungry, eat.'" He says firmly.

Saki giggles, sticking close to Ace's side.

'That's bullshit.'

'Imagine being hungry.'

"Liar! You just made it up!" Usopp accuses.

Vivi sighs. "How about we take a break at the next outcropping of rocks we come to?"

"Alright, next outcropping!" Luffy rushes forward with a grin. "Hey, guys! Let's hurry up to the next outcropping! Whoever wins at 'rock, paper, scissors' carries all the baggage!"

"Don't decide things on your own!" Usopp snaps.

"Isn't it usually the loser who carries the baggage?" Sanji wonders.

"Alright! Here we go!" Luffy brings his fist up into the air. "Rock, paper, scissors!"

"Hold on!"

"You did it after you already saw our hands!" Zoro barks angrily.

"Woah, Luffy's good!" Saki awes.

"Woah! I won!" Luffy cries out joyfully.

Nyx snickers as Luffy pulls everyone's bags behind him. 'Fucking dumbass...'

"Heavy...It's heavy. And hot...I won at rock, paper, scissors...Why?" Luffy complains, his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"It's because you won at the game. Shut up and pull," Sanji remarks.

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