Yuu's eyes are blown so wide you feel a little bad just watching them get blamed. You can practically see the questions popping up in their head, "This is a school? It doesn't look like any I've seen before, not with all the coffins... Familiar? What's that?" The fact Crowley doesn't realize they know nothing of what he's talking about right away is a true testament to his general ignorance.

It takes a little back-and-forth of Crowley speaking nonsense and Yuu responding blankly, Grim growling and clawing in the background, for the headmage to flip back into unshakable-ego mode, finally offering to give Yuu the basic imformation about their situation while they walk to the Mirror Ceremony.

Yuu stumbles about, taking in the enourmous building and every once in a while sending a cautious glance to Grim. Just to make sure he hasn't run off. Crowley continues to explain their whereabouts, though as the questions become more and more shocking--Yuu doesn't even know magic exists in this world, much less about a school for training mages--you can see his brows begin to furrow. The oddities are adding up.

It vanishes the moment he speaks to her again, unwilling to show his worry. They're a new student, after all, and Crowley can't paint himself a fool on the first day, can he?

Even though they're not exactly sure how far Crowley is leading them, Yuu tenses up the closer they get. "At this... Mirror Ceremony," they perk up curiously, "What am I supposed to do? It sounds kind of important."

Crowley huffs. "It is kind of important. The Mirror Ceremony determines your dorm assignments for the rest of your time at Night Raven College. All new students must approach the Dark Mirror and, when prompted, calmly speak their name. Then, they should join the rest of their dorm at the tables." Seeing Yuu gulp nervously, he tacks "It is not difficult; the instructions are called out to you in case you forget," on the end.

"Ah. Alright." Yuu nods as they follow the Headmage through the courtyard.

This dream has been both surprisingly coherent and accurate to what happened in the game so far. It really does feel like you're watching a movie. You drift just slightly ahead of them, memorizing every turn and bend and carving. Malleus was right: even the gargoyles are interesting.

Dire Crowley reaches a hand out that Yuu narrowly avoids bumping into, halting both of them outside the Mirror Chamber doors.

But now that you've been led straight into all the action, you could just... walk in without them, right? Theoretically.

And so you do.

Inside, the bright-green haired fae, Sebek Zigvolt, is all but crying happy tears to have been sorted into Diasomnia. Lilia laughs good-naturedly and Silver gives him a funny look, but it could also just be his usual exhausted face. It's hard to tell.

Across the room, Jack Howl is failing to start up conversation with his dormmates, and worst of all, Leona, who rudely buts in and dismisses his efforts entirely. You can practically see the excitement leave his eyes. Yikes. Jack is one of the good ones, too.

The housewardens have started talking amongst each other as well. And it's this chatter that you recall exactly.

"Does anyone know where the headmage went? He disappeared midway through the ceremony."

Damn. You must've really memorized this at some point for it all to be recreated so well.

A floating tablet sarcastically adds, "Some headmage he is."

Well. That's Idia for you.

"Maybe he had a tummyache?" Kalim vocalizes.

And, prideful as ever, Crowley interrupts them indignantly. "I most certainly did not!" He exclaims, quickly going on to recite his journey in finding Yuu.

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