...Just let it end...

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This is kinda my personal thoughts so idk just here they are

It's always the worst at night... Because at night I just feel so alone. The voices get louder and I cry harder but I'm not making a sound because I don't want anyone to hear me or know. It's funny how at school I'm so fucking happy but when I'm alone at night... It all becomes too much and I wonder how much longer I'll stay in this world for. I tell the voices to go away but yet they only get louder and I begin rocking backwards and forwards hugging my knees as if I'm going to get rid of these voices by covering my ears and closing my eyes THEY ARE IN MY FUCKING HEAD SCREAMING!!!!! I just want it to end...

When did it all go wrong? I remember being able to go out not really caring how I looked or what people thought of me... I remember smiling all the time and never having to fake it... I remember being able to sleep at night...
And I remember when I had scarless skin and I never even thought of blades... I remember having brilliant ideas and thoughts that weren't suicidal... But most of all I remember when I was happy and I wasn't afraid of myself because I'm my greatest fear...

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