Part 2- Pippa confronts Harry

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It had been almost 2 days since Harry and the kids had returned to the UK. While William and Kate had opened the doors of their home for Harry and his kids, they were yet to talk to him. While Kate acknowledged him at times, William outright ignored him. The only people he had talked to were his niece and nephews.

He still remembers the confrontation he had with Pippa yesterday. He had expressed to her that he wished that Kate and William with talk to him and apparently that was all it took for her to burst out on him.

Flashback begins....

"Pippa, I wish Kate and William with talk to me and not just ignore me."

" What do you expect Harry? For them to forgive you so easily? That is not going to happen."

"I know I made many mistakes Pippa, but I am regretting and trying to atone for my mistakes."

"Seriously Harry! Did you seriously expect them to forget everything so easily and forgive you, embrace you with open arms? If you did, then you really are a fool Harry. No wonder Meghan took advantage of you."

" That was really a low blow, Pippa, I know I made mistakes Pippa, but I am repenting. They can at least talk to me. How am I supposed to apologise if they won't even talk to me ?"

"And tell you what Harry? That they are so great that they will forgive you and forget what happened. Harry it's not that easy . They really love you Harry but your actions have shaken them to the core. Harry do you think you were the only one who was scared for his wife and child's safety? Harry, William has three kids. He is thrice as much as scared as you were. He didn't leave his duties and run away."

" I didn't run away Pippa, I just wanted to keep my wife and child safe from the paparazzi."

"Oh really! You are the only one who worries about his wife's and children's safety, right? You think William doesn't want to keep his family safe? And how could leaving the royal family and moving to the United States guarantee the safety of your family?"

"At least there we wouldn't have to go on continuous royal engagements and be bothered by the paparazzi and the public every time we stepped out."

"Oh really! Are you that daft Harry? For god's sake, you are a member of the royal family who left his duties, and Megan was an actress in the States before marrying you. Of course you would have been followed by the Paparazzi there as well. Did you forget your mother? She divorced your father and yet a year later she was followed by the paparazzi in Paris. There is no escaping from the media Harry, wherever you go. You just have to learn to deal with it."

"Your actions Harry, for the past few years have been despicable. You wanted to marry Meghan. Fine. No one stopped you. You wanted to leave the UK, even then no one stopped you. Then why did you have to criticise the royal family at every turn? I agree it was more Meghan than you, but it took you 3 years to stop her Harry. If you had truly loved your family then you would have stopped her the day she started all this mess for the very first time. You couldn't even control your own wife Harry. She continued to insult and criticise your family and you stayed quite and supported her Harry. That is what hurt William and Kate."

"PIPPA! I love my family. You can't question my love for them."

" Really? Weren't you the one who just a few months ago claimed William and Kate's love for you as fake? Then why are you craving that fake love now? So that again, in the future you can rub it in their face?"

"Pippa, I would never do that."

"Oh yeah?! You were the one who claimed their love for you fake publicly right, that stories about you having a loving relationship with Kate and William were rubbish?"

"Harry, you haven't seen Kate and William at their lowest points, I have. You weren't the one who felt helpless when your sister cried in front of you completely broken, but you couldn't do anything."

"You know, I have seen Kate at her lowest point, all broken and helpless because of you Harry. After your marriage to Meghan, Charlotte started getting nightmares about Kate and William leaving her, telling her that they don't love her. All because of Meghan, 'cause whenever Meghan would meet her, she would always be very rude to Charlotte, calling her a little brat and filling her head with lies. She still has nightmares Harry. Think about the condition of that 3 year old and her parents, Harry."

" And not just Kate, I have seen William at his lowest point as well.  A person who lost both his grandparents within a year of each other, who has already lost his mother. His only sibling has left no stone unturned to criticise him and his family, going as far as to questing his love for him. Amidst all this, rumour comes out that he is cheating on his wife, a person he has known almost for 23 years. He is scared that one day his wife might finally believe those rumours and leave him. Think about the condition of such a person Harry. For the first time in his life your brother needed you and you weren't there for him Harry. How do you think he felt?"

Harry was speechless. He never realised the anguish that his and his wife's actions had caused his family. Pippa stared at him for a moment and then she left, leaving Harry to his own thoughts.

Flashback ends


A/N- Thank you for all the reads and votes on both of my works. Comments motivate me update faster.

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