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We finally made it to our bedroom

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We finally made it to our bedroom. Avery was changing her top.

Babe wait let me put my gloves on and change the bandaids. Damn she looks good even if she is asleep. Vivienne . Sorry Avery. Its okay.  Babe lets wake her up so she can take a bath. Ladies please leave so my wife doesn't freak. Vivienne you are correct though. See Alexa agrees with me. I got them. Thanks Hollie. I don't believe you two. Yes she is hot but are comments aren't solicited. 

We were leaving and Hollie turned the lock so when she closed it. It would lock.

Candace we won't repeat what they say. She maybe embarrassed even though we know they are correct.

Babe wake up.  

Lisa was waking up a little at a time. 

Why am I wet? Babe you had a night mare about the accident which explains some of the hand print bruises on your body. You also revealed parts of the accident. We want you to take a bath. Candace will remove your bandages and replace them once you and I take a  bath. Hmm you missing all of this. Yes but not now. I need both of you. Just be careful is all.

Candace? We can and will be careful.

We undressed Lisa and than us and got into bed. Lisa was kissing her wife hard and pushed Avery back and straddled her.
Candace held her than we all kissed one another. Lisa was grinding on Avery's fingers. It was good to see Lisa and Avery still wouldn't let a fatal tragedy to stop them from expressing themselves to each other. I decided to suck on Lisa's right toes. Avery and Lisa were moaning. Eventually we all fingered each other and tasting all our cum. We finally stopped and Canadace got the tub ready. She removed my  bandages and kissed me than slapped my left buttock before I got into the tub with my wife. Candace took a shower while we bathed and I relaxed in my wife's arms. 

Candace got out and dried off, gargled and brushed her teeth. She put her red lacey panties and bra with a oversize  night shirt. She helped me out. They dried me off and Candace put new bandages on me along with a tank top and pajama bottoms. They had me sit down while Candace left to strip the bedding and put clean bedding. They helped me get in bed.  Candace joined me while Avery left with the dirty bedding.

I was coming back to  the room when Mick asked me how was dessert

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I was coming back to  the room when Mick asked me how was dessert. I told him good. He told me the sisters updated him. We said our good byes.

 We said our good byes

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I got into bed. I kissed them both and we all eventually fell asleep.

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