PT. 1

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"excuse me?" I hear a male voice speak from behind me. "Oh yes?" I ask turning around to see a boy taller than me with brown ish hair and pink cheeks. "Um could you help me find room 134 please?" He asks politely. "Oh yeah of course! Is that your homeroom?" I ask the boy holding onto my backpack in the crowded halls. "Uh yeah" he answers "good thats my homeroom" I say looking back at him smiling and he smiles back.

"DUFF!" I yell from my room across from his. "WHAT?" he yells back walking to my room. "Where are my shoes?" I ask mad "how should I know?" He says holding back a laugh. I shove him out of the way and go to his room to search it. "I don't have them!" He says. I look all over his room as he watches me. I look under his bed and find my shoes covered with a porno magazine. "You bitch! You do have them!" I take my shoes from under his bed and look at him to see him smirking. "What?" I say still mad. "The magazine has..." He says and I run to the bathroom to wash my hands. "EW DUFF THATS SO GROSS!!" I yell as he laughs his ass off.

    I walk out of the bathroom and wipe my wet hands all over him "your so mean" I tell Duff "boys are only mean to girls they like" Axl chimes in. "I don't like her she's mean" Duff says. "I'm not the mean one" I say while I walk back to my room and slam the door. "Someones grumpy" Axl says. I put my shoes on and went to Duff's room. "Do you wanna go out with me?" I ask "I would love to babe what time tonight? I can pick you up" he says smirking. "No Duff not like that like out of this house. We can get something to eat and shop at the mall a little" I say "oh yeah but do you wanna go out?" He asks 'yes oh my god you don't have to ask me twice yes please' I thought "I'll think about it Duff get your shoes on" I say blushing.

    "Someones blushing!" He yells for everyone in the small house to hear. I run over and tackle him on the bed covering his mouth while straddling his waist. Slash ran in "what? Who's blu- OH MY GOD THEIR FINALLY DATING!!" Slash yells as all the other boys got there to look into the room. If I wasn't blushing before I sure am now. I quickly get off Duff in a not-very-smooth way. "No we aren't!!" I say then grabbing Duff's shoes and him and we both ran out the house as the rest of the boys laughed. We got in the car and started driving to some place to eat "I didn't mean to" I say as I sat down. "To what?" Duff smirks "you know what you butthead" I say. We order (favorite pizza) and eat it.

    "We need to bring some home or the boys will get mad" I tell duff as he nods his head. "I want to look for CDs at the mall" Duff says changing the subject. "Okay" I answer. We leave with leftovers for the boys and head to the mall. Our first stop was a vinyl and CD shop. Me and Duff look around and I find my favorite band on CD and Duff finds a Ramones CD. "Do you wanna go in here with me?" I say pointing at a girls clothes store. "No that's boring" he says and I grab his hand and drag him in because I need to know what's hot and whats ugly. "I don't wanna" He whines and continues whining saying his feet hurt and he's bored and stuff like that. "Duff if you shut the hell up you can pick something out for me" I say getting sick of his whining.

    "You will try it on?" He asks "yes" I say "and I get to see?" He asks another annoying question. "Yes now go away" I say pushing him a little and he walks away. I shop a little untill I hear Duff's voice speak "you will buy it right?" He asks holding my shoulders so I don't turn around. "sure" I say "I need a yes babe" he whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. "Yes" I say immediately. Then he turns me around and shows me what he picked out. A red lingerie set this is officially the worst idea of my life. "I'm not putting that on" I say "but you said" he looks down at me sad. I can't help but feel sorry now. "They won't let you try those on so we have to buy it" I say walking towards the check out line.

    "I'll pay for it" He says from behind me "fine" I answer as we get to the line. We leave the mall and go home and I put what Duff bought me in my bag. "When will you try it on?" He asks as we get in the car. "Never" I say. "Please? For me?" He begs "maybe when I'm shit faced" I say. "my goal tonight is getting you shit faced" Duff says smirking at me.

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