Chapter 1

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I still don't understand how the hell any of this is happening but I can't dwell on it now. If I'm the infamous Katherine Pierce now, I have a lot of shit to do. Like confirm that I'm Katherine Pierce.

If I was her and this wasn't some crazy delusion, I wasn't going to end up like the original Katherine had. No, I was going to survive and in order to do that I was going to have to do a lot of things differently.

Based on the get up I'm in - or think I'm in -I can tell that we are nowhere near the time where the Vampire Diaries events take place. The style of dress I'm in dates back to the 1800s, around the time when Katherine met the Salvatore's.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts before a woman in her late 20s walked in an outfit in a similar get up except hers wasn't a night gown.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts before a woman in her late 20s walked in an outfit in a similar get up except hers wasn't a night gown.

"Good Morning Ms. Pierce. Would you like me to help you get dressed this morning?" The woman asked and I stepped up to her and tried to compel her.

"What is your name dear?"

"Margaret. Margaret Rogers, Miss Pierce." The woman answered, a dazed look on her face. Well, I guess I really am Katherine and I really am compelling her. Cool.

"What is the date?"

"December 5th, 1864." Huh, so a little after she fled Mystic Falls. That's good, I personally didn't want to have to seduce both of the Salvatore brothers.

"Where am I? And how long have I been staying here?"

"Atoka, Oklahoma, Miss. Pierce. You have been living here with me for a week." She informed me and I nodded. I knew the Mikaelsons were in New Orleans right now so I shouldn't stay here much longer. Even though they think she - I guess I now - in the tomb, its best I remain in the shadows. 

"Does anyone know I'm here in town?"

"Only my maid and I know mum." She told me. Also good news. I'm guessing she has no family so that means less of a mess for me to clean up.

"Thank you for your help and hospitality, Miss. Rogers. Now could you please forget this conversation and help me dress for the day? And from now on you will remember my name as Katrina Prince." I say and with that she blinks and walks over to the closest to pull out one of the outfits in there. I knew it wouldn't be smart to keep using the name Katherine Pierce after she faked her death in Mystic Falls. The Mikaelsons knew about that name now or if they didn't yet they would soon. So she had to start completely fresh with a new name and even a new soul.

Life as Katarina Petrova wouldn't be an easy one, but I knew sure as hell I would do everything in my power to give her the happy ending she deserved.

Outfit & Hairstyle : 

A few minutes later I was done up in a gorgeous outfit well suited for this time period, munching on a delicious meal prepared by the maid who I also compelled to remember me by my new name

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A few minutes later I was done up in a gorgeous outfit well suited for this time period, munching on a delicious meal prepared by the maid who I also compelled to remember me by my new name. Miss. Rogers had already headed out to hang out with some of her girlfriends so it was just me eating which gave me the perfect opportunity to come up with a game plan.

It would be another 200 years before the events of the show took place, but I couldn't just sit around til then either. Too many threats could potentially be taken care of now before any Salvatore's are around to screw anything up.

My number one priority is starting to build up a tolerance to vervain. That is one of the few actions Katarina did in the show that I thought was smart. Maybe I'll even learn how to resist compulsion like Bill Forbes did in the show. Not being able to be compelled would sure be useful. I'll have to invest in a lot of psychology books as the years go on.

I'll also spend some time studying different types of Martial Arts. From what I observed in the shows, all the characters except for the Mikaelsons relied solely on speed and strength. They had no technique. So I intend to learn almost every fighting style known to man so I can even take down an original, who only rely on the Viking fighting style they learned in their human years paired with their extra vampiric powers.

My next huge priority would be trying to dispose of the Travelers, the annoying ban of witches in season 5. I don't need them coming after me or anyone on the Scooby Gang. So I would find some traveling merchants out to scour the globe for them as soon as I leave this place. I don't think Nadia is with them yet, but if she is I'll play it off as not knowing who she is since Katarina had thought/hoped her daughter had lived a long happy human life.

Maybe I'll even take care of Silas while I'm at it. I'm not sure if I will though because if I keep Elena from turning into a vampire then everyone won't even know about the cure. So I'll put that idea on the back burner for now.

The other things on my list that I want to do before the show are crucial but I'll have to wait quite a while before doing any of them.

After I'm sure the Salvatore's are far away from Mystic Falls I'll secretly return to retrieve the moonstone and replace it with a fake. The Scooby gang proved they couldn't be trusted with the moonstone so I'll keep it close til the time is right. But I still want them to search for it since it was a critical part of the plot so I'll leave a fake one there and convince Mason Lockwood, who I plan to befriend not fuck, to search for it for me. Some things had to stay the same if I wanted to remain in the know of what's happening. 

Then I'll befriend Marcel after the Mikaelsons flee from New Orleans to escape Mikael in 1919 which is 55 years from now. Being a trusted friend of Klaus's former protege could prove to be useful and would mean New Orleans would be a safe city for me to hide in since Klaus all but abandons it til Jane-Anne Devereux lures him there.

Next, I'll be sure to pop in to spy on Damon and Stefan like Katherine did in the show. I want the two to think that I care about them and only left to protect them like she told Stefan. Having them think I'm not evil will definitely help me gain some powerful allies.

And after Damon serves his 5 years with Augustine, I'll help Lorenzo escape. The guy seemed to show great loyalty to whoever freed him and I'd like that loyalty as for myself.

Next, I'll be sure to show up in Chicago in 1983 where Anna claimed to have seen Katherine last by Anna in the show. That's when I'll start to plant doubt about Katherine Pierce being a heartless bitch who cares about no one but herself. I'll request that she give the Salvatore's letters from me when they help her open the tomb. In those letters I'll tell them I loved them, apologize, and tell them I left to protect them. Not a hundred percent sure what exactly I'll write but I have 119 years to figure that out.

Now the next stuff is when it gets closer to the timeline of the show.

Like Katherine does in the show, I'll guide Isabel to Damon so that she could be turned. Her being a vampire is too important of a thing to pass over and her knowledge of the supernatural world will make her an excellent informant.

Next thing I'll do is kill Mikael after Abby Bennett dedicates him and keep his ashes with me for safekeeping since all the Mikaelsons seem to do is try and keep the bastard alive.

Sighing, I look up from the journal I started writing in from where I've been sitting on the lounge sofa for the last couple hours after finishing my breakfast and close the journal.

And after taking a drink from the compelled maid, I decide to head up to bed to get some much needed rest. For tomorrow my real work begins.

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