454 9 2

Name: Shinji Hakari

Age: 15

Height: 5'2"

Likes: None

Dislikes: His Emotions(because he's father(Gendo) called it his weakness)

Hair: Black(with slight visible stripes of brown in the lower back of his hair)

Eyes: Dark Red


----------------------------------------------------------Evangelion unit Profile:

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Evangelion unit Profile:

Name: Unit 13

Height: 31 inches tall

Weapons: HS Hopper

Pilot(s): Shinji Hakari & Kaworu Nagisa


(While in the 3

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(While in the 3.0 movie, unit 13 acted under it's own will. But, in this Alternate world, this clone Shinji's soul and emotions are connected to unit 13 because of being created inside of the unit. Meaning unit 13 and clone Shinji are basically the Same person and their relationship is like that of Shinji and unit 01. Unit 13 still needs two pilots, but if clone Shinji tried concentrating and synchronize with unit 13, then he could've pilot unit 13 on his own for hour until he gets exhausted.)
Love Interest:

Ayanami Rei:


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