•°|Your Fellow Neighbors|°•

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9:00 AM

It's been an hour since Wally left and you're starting to get bored. The TV bores you so much, that it feels like it's just turned into straight static, confusing nonsense with no distinct plotline.
Oh wait, it is just static. Maybe you should try changing the station.
Nope, still static.
You lie down into the couch and sigh, when is he getting back? It's so boring here alone, and you swear you heard some bangs somewhere inside the house earlier, so now it's scary too.
You get up and move around, to see if that helps, but it doesn't.
You try to look out the windows but they appear to be blocked by something.
You wanna try leaving the house but you don't know this neighborhood very well so you decide against it.
Just then, you hear a knock on the door;

"Hello? Wally, you in there?"

You jump at the voice, you don't know whether to answer the door or not.

"Okay, I'll just come back later then-"

You slowly creep open the door, only opening it enough to see through.

"Oh- Hello there."

On the other side of the door, a large, blue dog man stands.

What was his name again?


Yeah, it was Barnaby.

"Are you the new neighbor that came to town yesterday?"

Barnaby smiles at you and crouches down to your eye level. Or near it, at least.

You nod your head in response to Barnabu's question.

"Ah, so Wally let you stay with him until you fully get settled in... Typical of him, he's a nice guy."

Barnaby chuckles

"Speaking of which, is Wally in there with you?"

You shake your head.

Barnaby seems disappointed.

"...Ah. Well when Wally comes back, tell him I said hi, would'ja?"

You give Barnaby a thumbs up and he walks away.

You shut the front door and sigh, at least you got a break from being bored, but now you're bored again.



12:00 PM

It's been several more hours, Wally still isn't back.

You groan, bored out of your mind. Pacing around the house didn't help, so now you just don't know what to do.
The TV still refuses to play anything other than static and you don't wanna go through any of Wally's stuff to find something to do. You tried doodling stuff on the whiteboard but that didn't help either.
When is Wally going to get back? It's not like you can wander around the neighborhood to try and find him, so now what.

creeeeek, BANG BANG

You jump at the sudden noise, it's those noises again!
Where the hell are they coming from?! You're too scared to investigate so you kind of just curl up on the couch instead. Hoping what ever those noises are, they aren't hostile.

You lie there, staring off into space.
Your eyes start to feel heavy, and you yawn. You begin to fall asleep, slowly but surely...

2:00 PM




"Neighbor... Wake up..."

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