Black Nail Polish

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Friday, before school

Damn it, I love Mischa and all, but he kept nagging me to record my lines for his song after school. I did end up falling asleep and forgetting anyway.

Might as well do it now.

I grab my phone and hit record and starting to sing. My voice isn't amazing or anything, but it does blend well the everyone else in the choir.
I finish recording and send the video off.

-Text messages-

M: Finally

N: Sorry I just remembered to do it

M: Your voice is nice

N: Thanks :)

M: Not as good as mine, but we all start somewhere 👍

N: Wow
How kind of you 💀

M: I know
I'm so generous❤️

I laugh and place my phone down
I grab my uniform and start to get dressed

Time skip to lunch ->

I walk out the classroom and head to the tables outside
I take out my journal and begin to write

A hooker with a heart of black charcoal.
Monique writes poems to burn by firelight.

"Woah, that's deep."

I slam my book shut

M: "Calm down, it's just me!"

N: "At least give a warning next time!"

M: "I'll think about it."

N: "...Did you need something?"

M: "Nah, all the work is already done. I just want to hang out."

N: "With me?"

M: "Your my friend, right?"

N: "..Yes."

M: "Or you just don't want to hang out."

N: "No, I do."

Mischa takes a seat next to me.
He grabs my hand, which startles me.

M: "Your nails are painted very poorly."

N: "Hm? Oh. Yeah, I pick at them when I'm nervous."

M: " You must be nervous all the time."

N: "Pretty much."

Mischa rummages through his backpack
He takes out some black nail polish and holds it up

M: "I can fix them for you."

N: "You paint your nails too?"

M: "Sometimes. Is that a yes or no?"

I hold out my hand back to him
He takes it and and starts to apply the nail polish
My heart starts beating faster
We're sorta holding hands

About 10 minutes later, he was done.

M: "No more chipped nails, you're welcome."

N: "Thanks Mischa."

Authors note- Sorry for the short chapter
I decided I didn't want to just time skip to the weekend and miss Friday so here's Mischa and Noel being adorable:)) also new cover!

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