From next day all of them started to teach Karna. Devi Dharini and Mata Renuka started to teach Karna the art of Kalas after Karna prayed to the Shiv parivar.

According to Karna the Shiv parivar were the only family who helped everyone without any partiality.

Rishi Durvasa taught Karna the basics of everything and about Dharma of donations and sacrifices for any human being and about the life cycle.

Bhagwan Parshuram taught karna the advance techniques of weapons after Rishi Durvasa had taught him the basics.

Rishi Jamdagni who taught him shastras , Vedas , vyuh rachna , basics of hand to hand combat and gada yudh and help Karna unlock his kundalini chakra.

Brahmarishi Vishwamitra taught him about how to rule a kingdom , Politics , Rajniti , Arthashastra , Chanakyaniti and Gayathri mantra.

He was then to Maharishi Vashisth who taught him  Astrology , he explained the things he wrote in Yoga Vashisth , Dharma and Karma.

Karna was also happy when guru Vashisth told him that he was the teacher of Shon who was now in Tapasya for gaining divine weapons.

He also met Eklavya who had come to take education from guru Vashisth. Karna got angry hearing the fact that Drona could stoop so low but was happy that guru Vashisth gave Eklavya his thumb back.

He was then taken to Rishi Gautam who taught him about literature , Laws , medicines , science , helping him control his ripus and doing of puja and yagya.

He was then taken to Rishi Bharadwaj and learnt about Military arts , Sword fighting and also about Tapasya and penance.

Rishi Bharadwaj who wanted to rectify his son Drona's errors taught Karna advanced illusions and gave Karna his Asi sword which he had first kept for his son but after what his son did to Karna and Eklavya he didn't give Drona the sword.

Then he was taken to Rishi Atri by Rishi Durvasa. Rishi Atri taught him which muhurat to perform rituals, yajnas , prayers , meditation and Ayurveda. He also taught him about different hymns and mantras to call gods like the beejakshara mantra.

Then he was taken to Rishi Kashyapa who taught him about Kashyapa Samhita a classical reference book in Ayurvedic Paediatrics, Gynecology, and Obstetrics. He also helped him gain Astha siddhi.

Later Karna returned to the ashram of his guru Parshuram. Bhagwan Parshuram told Karna that Tomorrow all of the gurus of Karna will come for guru dakshina and went to sleep on the rock.

Seeing this Karna told his guru to sleep on his lap to which the guru agreed gratefully.

Seeing this as a chance to sabotage Karna Indra came over there in a disguise of a big and stung Karna on his thigh. But he couldn't let the sleep of his guru get disturbed so he didn't move.

That's when Bhagwan Parshuram felt blood touching his arms and he opened his eyes and saw Karna bleeding in pain. Parshuram put medicine on the wound of Karna which made Karna go in deep sleep.

Next day before Brahma Murat Karna got up and cleaned the heritage of Bhagwan Parshuram like he use to do before. He later went to the shivling in the back of the heritage. Later he returned seeing all of his gurus along with their wife's who also help Karna in mastering his Kalas. But he also saw two unrecognised faces.

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